

日期:2018年04月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1472
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201601031105122760 论文字数:38596 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ers should pay more attention to the “communicative act” than the forms of theutterances in “natural communication” and make the meaningful interaction with eachother.

2.2 Listening
To talk about how to make listening input more comprehensible in listening class,it is of great importance to introduce some fundamental issues about listening.Listening is a kind of complex activity, and it is difficult to investigate. Generallyspeaking, listening refers to the ability or comprehensive skill to understand what onehears. So some researchers regarded listening as a kind of passive reception.Vandergrift (1999) thought that listening was anything but a passive activity. It is aprocess in which the listeners must discriminate between sounds, understandvocabulary and grammatical structures, interpret stress and intonation, retain whatwas gathered in all of the above, and interpret it within the immediate as well as thelarger social-cultural context of the utterance. According to Joan Morley (Morley1991: 88), listening as “everything that impinges on the human processing whichmedicates between sound and the construction of meaning”. While O’Malley andChamot (1989) defined it as “Listening comprehension is viewed theoretically as anactive process in which individuals focus on selected aspects of aural input, constructmeaning from passages, and relate what they hear to existing knowledge”. There is acommon thing in all the definitions above that listening must be connected with inputno matter it is a passive or active process.

Chapter Three Research Design.........25
3.1 Research Purposes and Hypotheses........25
3.2 Research Subjects.......25
3.3 Research Instruments.........26
3.4 Research Procedure.....29
3.4.1 The Controlled Class Teaching........29
3.4.2 The Experimental Class Teaching....30
3.5ASample Lesson Outline..........32
Chapter Four Data Collection and Analysis..........36
4.1 Data Collection....36
4.2 Data Analysis.......37
4.3 Summary of the Data Analysis.....48
Chapter Five Conclusion.......50
5.1 Major Findings.....50
5.2 Implications of the Research.....51
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions.....52

Chapter Four Data Collection andAnalysis

4.1 Data Collection
Questionnaire One (Appendix A) was given to both the experimental class andthe controlled class before the teaching experiment. It was conducted in the first weekof the new semester. In order to guarantee the reliability of the results of thequestionnaires, the author made some necessary explanations at the very beginning.Then students were required to fill in the questionnaires based on their real thoughts.There were 76 questionnaires distributed and 76 were collected successfully. All ofthe questionnaires were checked meticulously by the author. Among them, 75questionnaires were valid. The valid rate was 98.7%.Questionnaire Two (Appendix B) was only given to the experimental class in thelast week before the midterm examination of the new semester. Students were askedto express their real ideas to ensure the reliability of the results. 38 questionnaireswere distributed and 38 were collected. All of the questionnaires were checkedcarefully, and all of them were valid. The valid rate was 100%.To measure the effectiveness of the modified English listening teaching method,two tests (pre-test and post-test) were done by the both experimental class and thecontrolled class. The listening part in final examination paper of last semester wasadopted