

日期:2018年09月26日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1483
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410301705214329 论文字数:40912 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter One Introduction第一章节介绍

1.1 Background of Research 研究背景

1.1.1 Analysis from the Focus of Today's Society 从当今社会的焦点分析

With China's further opening to the outside,international communicationbecomes more and more frequent. Globalization makes us think of cultural diversity,intercultural communication and coexistence of diversity. Under the condition ofcontemporary society,the access of information technology, the display ofpostmodern, and the expansion of cultural communication make multi-culture reflectthe characteristics of the new era. These characteristics will inevitably require thepurpose of English teaching with ideological and cultural communication to undertakehistoric reform. The disadvantages of traditional English teaching in China pay moreattention to language itself, such as grammar,vocabulary, and rhetoric, etc, regardlessof the basic function of communication. Therefore, cultural difference often becomesan obstacle in people’ communication. If you don't understand other's culture andcustoms,and do not know how to express your own native culture, it is impossible tocarry on the smooth and effective communication. Therefore, as English teachers, wehave responsibility and obligation to improve students' understanding of Chinese andEnglish culture in English teaching, so as to avoid cultural conflict and culturalinequalities in the process of communication.

1.1.2 Analysis from the Perspective of English Education

According to College English Curriculum Requirement, college English is arequired basic course for undergraduate students. As a systematic whole, CollegeEnglish has as its main components knowledge and practical skills of the Englishlanguage, learning strategies and intercultural communication; it takes theories ofEnglish language teaching as its guide and incorporates different teaching models andapproaches. The objective of college English is to develop students' ability to useEnglish in an all-round way, especially in listening and speaking,so that in theirfuture work and social interaction they will be able to exchange informationeffectively through both spoken and written channels, and at the same time they willbe able to enhance their ability to study independently and improve their culturalquality so as to meet the needs of China's military form, social development andinternational exchanges.Hu Wenzhong (1999 ) argued that as long as we looked into carefully, whereverin campus or situation in English affairs, some students or younger translators whodid not make mistakes in English phonetics and grammar, but their expressions werenot appropriate, which attributed to their lack of cultural knowledge input. Kramsch(1998) stated that culture teaching and language teaching were in the equallyimportant position. Language is a social practice,and culture was the core of languageteaching. Language teaching did not combine culture with four skills-listening,speaking, reading and writing, and cultivation of cultural awareness should beregarded as to promote language ability.Therefore, cultural teaching is indispensable in the English teach, and Chineseand western culture should be equally important. While in English class, Englishteachers tend to transmit English culture, and seldom teach Chinese culture. Thus,English teaching should pay more attention to teach Chinese and English culturetogether, and this way will be beneficial to students' English learning.

1.2 Research Significance

With the rapid development of the society,cultural teaching and learning incollege English class is required,including Chinese culture and English culture.However,how to effectively teach and learn Chinese and English culture is a keyissue.