1.3 Framework of the Paper
The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, whichmainly presents the research background,research significance and framework ofpaper. The second part is theoretical review, mainly defines the culture,culturalcharacter,the relationship between culture and language,introduction to socialConstructivist theory. Cross-cultural communication tiieory, and history overview ofcultural teaching abroad and home. The third chapter is the research design, includingthe research subjects, research questions, research instruments and data collection.The fourth chapter is the results and discussion. The fifth chapter is the conclusion,which summarizes the whole research. Point out the findings, limitations andsuggestions.
Chapter Two Theoretical Review第二章理论综述
2.1 Definitions of Culture in Culture Teaching
The definition of culture,as the basic problem in culture teaching, seems to bealso the most sophisticated issue because there are many definition of culture in thehistory that educator may get drowned. William offered the definition as follows:there are three general categories in the definition of culture. There is,first,the‘ideal,in which culture is a state or process of human perfection, in terms of certainuniversal value; second,there is the Mocumentary' in which culture is the body ofintellectual and imaginative work, in which culture is the body of intellectual andimaginative work,in which, in a detail way,human thought and experience arevariously recorded.. .finally, third, there is the "social" definition of culture, in whichculture is a description of a particular way of life,which expresses certain meaningsand values, not only in art and learning but also in institution and ordinarybehavior...It seems to me that any adequate theory of culture must include the threeareas of facts to which the definition points, and conversely that any particulardefinition,with any of the categories, which would exclude reference to the others,isinadequate(Williams,1961:41-43). H. Seelye advised that English language teachersneed not be bogged down to define culture and he considered that so long as thedef