Moreover, its practical significance is also obvious. Not only will it help teachers to get a deeper understanding about how to improve the quality of the graduate program, but also give educators insights into what can be done to perfect Business English graduate curriculum.
2.1 Previous Studies of Student Satisfaction
Researches of student satisfaction conducted by foreign researchers can be generalized into three classes. The first class of researches focus on finding out the factors of student satisfaction. Among these researches, Aitken (1982) found out that there was a significant correlation between student satisfaction and students’ performance , their satisfaction and isolation of courses, teaching and major. Danielson (1998) believed that an active interaction between instructors and students was an important source of student satisfaction. Griffith (1999) found out in his study that there was a significant correlation between student satisfaction and the atmosphere of a university. Tsarenko and Mavondo (2004) generalized the source of a university into facilities, teaching , learning, library, service for students and market orientation, and they concluded that the last five parts had close relationships among themselves and that the decrease of them would lessen student satisfaction. Rector (2002) thought that the influential factors of student satisfaction should include students’ learning experience and social experience. The influential factors of leaning experience included variables of leaning environment and teacher-student communication, and those of social experience included campus atmosphere and companion relationship. In the study of Debnath (1987), it was found out that the most important influential factor of student satisfaction was whether the student could get a job after finishing their study. Li-Wei Mai (2005) concluded from his research that students’ overall impression of a university and the quality of education had the biggest influence on student satisfaction.
2.2 Previous Studies of Graduate Curriculum
As this thesis is a case study of a graduate program in China, and differences exist between graduate programs in China and other countries, studies done in a Chinese graduate environment will give more enlightenments, so the literature review of this part only covers domestic researches . The researches can be roughly divided into three groups.
The first group of researches explain the importance o