

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1936
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201008082128286312 论文字数:52808 所属栏目:项目风险管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ABSTRACT: In order to improve the level of risk management and prevent all kinds of risk in bridge construction effectively. Pointing at the property of risk in bridge construction, integrating the risk management theory from home and abroad, and the system study was caught out in terms of risk identification, risk assessment, risk management.
1 The accident of bridge construction was analyzed based on structure and design factor, construction factor, hydro logic factor, geologic factor, meteorological factor. The main achievement of risk research for bridge construction was summed up, the risk analysis theory suiting for our country was also summed up.
2 The risk identification study about possible dangers in bridge construction was studied. The character of risk in bridge construction was analyzed, the usual risk types in bridge construction was elaborated. The process, basis and method of risk identification in bridge construction were induced. The possible risk factors in bridge construction were acquired based on analogy, analysis and conclusion. The risk factors were analyzed in bridge with depth or feeble riverbed. The risk factors in bridge construction were sorted, such as structure factor, design factor, construction factor, hydro logic factor, geologic factor, meteorological factor. 3 The risk assessment for a large-scale bridge construction project by AHP method. The hierarchical structure model was constructed firstly, and then the comparison matrix was constructed, and the consistency test was caught out, the whole priority sorting was put up at last. The correctness of the method was verified through actual research for risk accident of a bridge.www.51lunwen.orgThe linear regression analysis was analyzed for 0, 1 random number using Monte-Carlo method, the result indicated that the method was an effective method for bridge construction. The consequence appraisal procedure for bridge construction was offered based on quantification thought combining risk identification study and basing on sorting for risk aftereffect. The risk analysis was analyzed fully through constructing risk assessment model.
4 The comparation of the several risk evaluation method was carried out based on analyzing the risk factor in bridge construction, The good method that combined the AHP method with fuzzy general evaluation method.
KEYWORDS:bridge construction; risk identification; risk assessment; risk management

中文摘要 iii
序 vi
1 引言 1
1.1 本文研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
1.2.1 国外研究现状 4
1.2.2 国内研究现状 7
1.3 本文主要研究内容 9
2 桥梁施工阶段的风险识别 10
2.1 理论基础 10
2.1.1风险识别主要内容 10
2.1.2 风险识别的工具与方法 12
2.2桥梁施工阶段风险的特点及常见的风险事故 14
2.2.1 桥梁施工阶段风险的特点 14
2.2.2 桥梁施工阶段常见的风险事故 15
2.3桥梁施工阶段的风险识别过程、依据和方法 18
2.3.1风险识别的过程 18
2.3.2 桥梁施工阶段风险源识别的依据 18
2.3.3风险识别方法 19
2.4桥梁施工阶段的风险的分解及风险因素识别 19
2.4.1风险的分解 19
2.4.2风险因素识别 19
2.6 桥梁施工中风险因素水平分析 27
2.6.1结构条件 27
2.6.2设计条件 27
2.6.3 施工条件 28
2.6.4 水文条件 28
2.6.5 地质条件 28
2.6.6 气象条件 29
2.6.7 各因素风险水平排序 29
2.7本章小结 30
3 桥梁施工阶段的风险评估 31
3.1工程项目风险估计 31
3.1.1工程项目风险估计概述 31
3.1.2工程项目风险事件发生概率计算 31
3.1.3风险事件损失的估计 32
3.1.4确定型风险估计 33
3.1.5不确定型风险估计 33
3.2工程项目风险评价 34
3.2 工程项目风险评价的目的及步骤 35
3.2.2工程项目风险评价的标准及其风险水平比较 35