关键词: 高端物业服务;管理人员;工作满意度;因子分析;结构方程模型分析
Abstract: To the property management staff as the object, based on survey data of 209 management personnel from 12 high-end residential property services projects in Wenzhou area, using SPSS 19.0 and Amos 17.0 software, factor analysis and structural equation model analysis is used, to high-end property management staff satisfaction to carry out empirical research. The results show, most of managers of high end property service project were born in after the 1980's, shorter working life, and having college degrees; Job satisfaction and loyalty of high-end property management personnel are highly positive correlation; There are many factors affecting the job satisfaction of the high-end property service staff,from high to low is the compensation benefits,corporate culture,career development,team evaluation and work itself.
Key words: High end property service; Manager; Job satisfaction; Factor analysis; Structural equation modeling analysis
1.1 高端物业服务的项目特征
1.2 高端物业服务的物业费标准
1.3 高端物业的服务形象
1.4 高端住宅物业服务的确定方法
2 研究设计
2.1 数据来源
2.2 问卷结构
2.3 数据处理
3 实证分析
3.1 可靠性分析
3.2 因子分析
3.3 结构方程模型分析
3.4 结果讨论
4 结论与启示
4.1 研究结论
4.2 管理启示