

日期:2018年03月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1332
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201511231050091599 论文字数:36958 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
rformed on languages: a process of substituting a text in onelanguage for text in another” (63). And translator as the operator of translation haslong been regarded as a subordinate role or even an invisible one during thetranslation activities. John Dryden described the translator as the portrait painterwhose duty is to make his portrait resemble the original, and so is the translator (ascited in Tan Zaixi, 2000: 39). In his point of view, a translator’s task is to repeatexactly what the author has said instead of explaining what the author means.Lawrence Venuti (1992) also remarks: “the translator is thus subordinate to the author[ … ].The translator's authorship is never given full legal recognition ” (126).“Translation continues to be an invisible practice, everywhere around us, inescapablypresent, but rarely acknowledged, almost never figured into discussions of thetranslations we all inevitably read”(Venuti,1992: 10). In this rather long period ofhistory in the west, translator as the subject and operator of translation activities wasneglected in the translation study.

2.2 Recognition of the Translator’s Subjectivity in Legal Translation
Study on translator’s subjectivity has draw many translation scholars’ attentionin recent years and their researches have largely contributed to the development oftranslation study. However, studies on the translator’s subjectivity are still in the earlystage, more efforts are expected to be made both in theory and practice. We shouldacknowledge that studies on translator’s subjectivity are partial and scattered, notsystematic and comprehensive. Besides, most studies on the translator’s subjectivityare only limited to the literary translation, rarely observed in pragmatic translation,especially in legal translation. According to the statistics obtained from CNKI, journalarticles and theses related to the translator’s subjectivity have amounted to more than8000 pieces up to now. Only less than 50 papers or articles are themed by translator’ssubjectivity in legal translation. The statistics show that studies on the translator’ssubjectivity in legal translation still have a lot of room and necessity. There are somescholars who have studied the translator’s subjectivity in legal translation. Huang Wei(2002) explored the translator’s creativity in legal translation in his paper On theCreativity of Legal Translators. Creativity as a key aspect of translator’s subjectivityis rarely discussed in legal translation.

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework......... 14
3.1 From Hermeneutics to Hermeneutic Translation ....... 14
3.2 George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Motion .... 17
3.3 Translator’s Subjectivity on the Basis of Steiner’s Hermeneutic Motion...... 20
Chapter 4 the Analysis of the Translator’s Subjectivity in C-E Legal Translation .... 22
4.1 Manifestation of Translator’s Subjectivity in the C-E Legal Translation ..... 22
4.2 Enlightenments of George Steiner’s Hermeneutic Motion for Translator’sSubjectivity..... 29
Chapter 5 Translation Techniques to Exploit the Translator’s Subjectivity.... 33
5.1 At the Lexical Level......... 33
5.2 At the Syntactical Level ......... 38
5.3 At the Textual Level......... 43

Chapter 5 Translation Techniques to Exploit the Translator’s Subjectivity under Steiner’s Hermeneutic

Motion Translator’s subjectivity has gained extensive attention in the study ofHermeneutics translation. George Steiner puts forward the Hermeneutic Motion thatstudies the translation practice from the perspective of Hermeneutics. This thesis hasdiscussed the translator’s subjectivity in the C-E legal translation based on