1.3 Research Questions
Referring to the previous study, the author has raised three research questions:1) Try to examine the three parameters, namely pause duration, pausefrequency and the distribution of pauses in the subjects’ interpretingproduction.2) Does directionality exert an impact on interpreters’ pause patterns in sighttranslation?3) Do pauses have any communicative values or strategic uses during theprocess of sight translation?Through examining both filled and unfilled pauses in two-way English andChinese sight translation, the present study is aimed to categorize pause duration,pause frequency and distribution of pauses, identify the impact of directionality andexplore some positive effect of pauses in sight translation.With regard to the three research questions, this study tries to identify twohypotheses.Hypothesis one: The directionality between interpreters’ active and passivelanguages will influence pause duration, pause frequency and pause distribution insight translation performances.Hypothesis two: Except regarding pauses as obstacles in interpreting delivery,pauses have their communicative value or positive functions, such as provide time forinterpreters to arrange on-line planning and remind the audience to pay attention tonew and important information.Bearing the three research questions and two hypotheses in mind, the author willconduct this empirical study to explore the proper answers.
1.4 Definition of Key Terms
The definitions of all the key terms used in this thesis are listed below so as tohelp the readers get better comprehension of the results of this research.Simultaneous Interpreting (SI), a mode of interpretation which involves listeningto source-language remarks and then transferring and delivering output intarget-language in a synchronized manner (P chhacker, 2004).Consecutive Interpreting (CI), a mode of interpretation which involves listening toremarks in source-language, producing written notes accordingly, and then deliveringinterpretation with the help of the notes while original speaker halts the flow ofspeech (P