In The United Nations Climate Change Conference closed in a huge controversy. The new United States president Obama advocated using a new regime to instead "Kyoto Protocol" which the US had refused to join in. In this paper, we’ll use the game theory to analyze Obama’s strategy choice. Point out that the essence of this strategy is "more regimes, less action". On the problem of whether joining in the binding regime on climate change or not, the United States will maintain in a “joining” process with a “not joint” status for a long while. By this strategy the president can get the best result of earning international prestige without affecting the national
interests. Since the premises’ stability, this choice is likely to be the US's long-term strategy, rather than the individual attitude of this current government.
一、 奥巴马遭遇“气候困境”
二、 奥巴马的“气候博弈”
四、 美国的“气候战略”将相对稳定