In today's society, the important goal of corporate marketing strategy, one of which is to get more and more loyal customers, summed up the actual business activities of most enterprises can know that the enterprise's profit promotion is only the short-term development of the enterprise does not apply Long-term development, requiring enterprises to obtain sustained long-term interests, we must be loyalty to customer factors into account. Actively implement social responsibility can be said to be one of the sources of competitive advantage, the establishment of enterprises in the eyes of consumers image, the improvement of corporate performance and the sustainable development of enterprises can not be ignored. Long years of development, many companies want to rely on proactive implementation of social responsibility to win customers loyalty to their own businesses, and in this long carried out a long exploration. However, each enterprise in the implementation of social responsibility work will appear on the contrary results, enterprises in the implementation of social responsibility work on the benefits of a great gap. On this issue, I believe that only in-depth confirmation of the direction of the correctness of this theory, can really let the enterprise get long-term development, and its business practice to give the appropriate constructive guidance.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the content of social attention, nearly 90% of Fortune 500 companies have their own corresponding implementation of their corporate social responsibility activities. For most businesses, corporate social responsibility occupies a certain key position. Companies have regularly invested in corporate social responsibility activities, and actively to the community to disclose relevant information to the enterprise to establish a good reputation, more than Bacheng Fortune 500 companies have their own sites to vigorously promote the company Conducted corporate social responsibility activities.
The paper chooses the combination of theory and practice to analyze and study the corporate social responsibility and consumer attitudes of Bird Company, and want to study the relationship between corporate social responsibility and consumer attitudes of Bird Company as a breakthrough point. Empirical research and research results show that Bird's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a direct positive effect on consumer purchasing intention, and the four dimensions analyzed in this study have different effects. Large and small in turn is the ethical responsibility, economic responsibility, legal responsibility and charitable responsibility; which mediator variable for the consumer attitude, its corporate social responsibility in the wave of the company's intention to buy the consumer to play a certain role Mediating effect.
Key words: corporate social responsibility; consumer attitudes; purchase intention; Bird company
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2研究方法和内容 3
1.2.1研究方法 3
1.2.2研究内容 4
1.3可能创新点 4
1.4研究框架 5
第二章理论基础和文献综述 6
2.1企业社会责任 6
2.1.1企业社会责任界定 6
2.1.2企业社会责任依据 7
2.2消费者态度 9
2.3消费者响应企业社会责任的理论基础 9
2.3.1期望理论 9
2.3.2归因理论 10
2.3.3理性理论 10
2.4研究现状 11