
留学生毕业论文节选:Theories of Culture in Organisations

日期:2022年12月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2113
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212232355433607 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
While developing the successful diversity initiatives managers may come across different barriers and challenges. Superficial or not properly implemented diversity initiatives will cause the negative affects causing the harm to the organization structure. Mutton and Hernandez (2004) brought some of these barriers after conducting a deep study on a variety of industries and they conducted series of conversations with the participants that shows the barriers to these initiatives.
Organizational culture: while trying to amplify diversity issues to all parts of the organization, diversity managers need to carefully explore the organization’s culture in order to be able to frame and communicate the issues of workplace diversity in an effective manner. For example, taking a subjective approach while explaining diversity issues to an analytical and linear type of culture, might become a barrier when trying to get the desired point across
Middle management and employee buy-in: Lower levels of management and the general employee population do not know what it is they are dealing with when addressing these diversity initiatives, thus resulting in lower levels of buy-in.
Kreitz (2008) identifies three elements that are vital when implementing diversity initiatives, but have proven to be challenges for some organizations:Kreiz指出了在实施多样性倡议时至关重要的三个要素,但事实证明这对一些组织来说是挑战:
Top management commitment 最高管理层承诺
The skilled training and breadth of organizational knowledge HR possesses 人力资源拥有的技能培训和广泛的组织知识
Shared understanding that managing diversity is not an isolated problem to be solved but an ongoing and lengthy process 共同理解,管理多样性不是一个孤立的问题,需要解决,而是一个持续而漫长的过程
Stockdale and Crosby (2004) provide a list of mistakes to avoid while implementing diversity initiatives. This list is the result of what various authors call, “Common diversity traps”:
assuming that short-term training will be enough 假设短期培训就足够了
failing to relate diversity to the organizational mission and key products 未能将多样性与组织使命和关键产品联系起来
waiting to collect all possible data and ignoring employee perceptions as data for taking action 等待收集所有可能的数据,并忽略员工的感知作为采取行动的数据
waiting for everyone important to be thoroughly behind the effort 等待每个重要的人彻底支持这项努力
not paying attention to the impact of resistance people in important positions 不重视重要职位上的抵抗者的影响
isolating the effort in one department (such as human resources) or under one person 隔离一个部门(如人力资源)或一个人的工作
not differentiating between good intentions, usually contained in verbal expressions of support of diversity, and the impact of specific institutional actions that go against diversity 不区分善意(通常包含在支持多样性的口头表达中)和反对多样性的具体机构行动的影响
not building coalitions and support with different stakeholders who may fear that the diversity effort will not include them 没有与不同的利益相关者建立联盟和支持,他们可能担心多样性工作不会包括他们
assuming that managing diversity is just “good common sense and people skills”假设管理多样性只是“良好的常识和人际技能”
measuring success by the quantity and magnitude if diversity activities and events, rather that the impact on the work and people 衡量成功的是多样性活动和事件的数量和规模,而不是对工作和人员的影响
Tjoswold and Leung (2003) identifies decision making to be negative impacted because of problems with communication in a cultural diverse organization. Since the spoken word is interpreted differently conflict could arise from differences in values and norms. Even written communication is interpreted differently depending on your values and norms.
One very interesting finding is from the article