
留学生毕业论文节选:Theories of Culture in Organisations

日期:2022年12月23日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1955
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212232355433607 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
The context of the diversity and the effectiveness is addressed by the Lopez Fernandez and Sanchez Gardey. For this the diversity is defined in the multidimensional point of view associating the democratic diversity and human capital diversity. In the theoretical framework the Lopez and Gardy stress that the diversity doesn’t influence the organizational or group performance directly but it is more influenced by the process like decision making process. Also the different configuration of human resource practices may affect the organizational dynamics differently, and at the end the group may have different affects on workgroup performance and sustainable competitive advantages. So in order to extract the benefits from the diverse work force the companies need to strategically place the human resource operations and systems. Lopez and Gardy found three different HRM orientations.
The Individualistic control orientation 个人控制取向
The group development orientation 集团发展方向
The group control orientation 组控制方向
The individualistic control orientation is referring to an orientation which is characterized by the 个人主义控制取向是指以
Focus on individuals rather than on the work groups.关注个人而不是工作组。
Rigid control mechanism and little self control within the work groups 工作组内部控制机制僵化,自我控制很少
Strong market orientation for achieving human capital rather than emphasizing the intra organizational development of human capital 实现人力资本的强大市场导向,而不是强调人力资本的组织内发展
The group development orientation is characterized by the 集团发展方向的特点是
A strong focus on the work force rather than on individuals 强烈关注劳动力而非个人
A system of open and flexible Human resource practice which allow self control within the work groups 一个开放和灵活的人力资源实践系统,允许在工作组内进行自我控制
A focus on the intra organizational development of human capital 关注人力资本的组织内发展
The group control organization is characterized by the 集团控制组织的特点是
A strong emphasis on groups 强调群体
Rigid external control mechanism and a little self control 刚性外部控制机构和少量自我控制
Preference for external markets to recruit employees and no stress on intra organizational development of human capital 优先选择外部市场招聘员工,不强调人力资本的组织内发展
According to the study conducted by the Hardy and Lopez it is found that the individual pattern hinders the decision making process in the diversified groups. The study also conclude that the to foster the cognitive benefits of the diversity, a collective and interactive HRM orientation suffices to benefits from the work group diversity.
In many ways the culturally diverse organization is considered as the asset and resources. The diverse workforce is increasingly helpful when the organization is practicing new ideas or expanding the business plans, if the organizations are able to recognize the diverse potential on the work force then the greater advantage can be obtained (Iles 1995). There are a plethora of literatures claiming the performance advantages of the diverse work force over the homogeneous work structures (Cox, Lobel and MacLeod, 1991; Cox and Blake, 1991).
one of the advantage is the redundant options for the multi cultural organizations in attracting and retaining the best talent. the capabilities and skills of the minorities and women offer a wide labor pool. The organizations that are able to attract and retain the minorities and offer the gradual career advancement treatment in the formal way gain competitive advantage and high quality human resource indi