

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:6130
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002292136542578 论文字数:3866 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
s to my work team, I learned how long-term team functions differ from the short-term teams in terms of public reflection and conflict resolution.  My work team also added more insights into how cross-cultural teams deal with conflict differently.  At work, my team includes three program specialists (myself included), one Chinese supervisor, and one American diplomat as the team leader.  As a team, we work on various exchange programs based on both Chinese and the U.S. academic calendar.  Our program timeline lasts for a whole year, which means revisit a mistake or setback can be a challenge.  If we missed something during this year’s program or we wanted to implement a change, we had to wait for the next year.

Our Chinese supervisor is not a fan of significant changes.  His working philosophy heavily leans on getting a job done first, and get it done fast, with as little modification as possible.  He takes pride in how little difference we had to make for the program in the past two decades. This Chinese supervisor’s leadership style and conflict resolution style often contrast with our American officer’s method of choice.  His non-confrontational conflict resolution style means he prefers to talk to the person of conflict in one-on-one settings instead of on the spot, in public or during team meetings.  By dealing with conflict indirectly, the Chinese supervisor honors the other person’s or “saves their face”.  While this reflects well on the high avoidance culture of China, this method also adds a challenge in my office with the lower power distance culture American staff implant in the workplace (Tuleja, 2017).  Our American Officers often welcomes teammates to deal with disagreement or small conflict directly during meetings to “talk to out”.

Depends on the type of conflict and the present audience, sometimes a task conflict turns into a relationship conflict due to the pressure leaders put into to deal with it on the spot, instead of giving it time to cool down.  The struggle of bringing balanced cultural view on conflict resolution resonates with me.  After a closer look at conflict resolution from the course, I took it upon myself to bring more understanding of the cultural dynamic in the office by offering compromise solutions to the Chinese supervisor or ask the American Officer for some processing time for the team to think things through.  I have learned during conflict management, part of the leaders’ responsibilities came from the help members separate their emotions from figure-pointing blaming during a conflict (Runde & Flanagan, 2008).  As Cooper et al. (2017) suggest, depending on the level of trust leaders establish in the situation, they could influence the type of conflict and consequently, the outcome.

Action Plan

In OLL Program

As an online cohort, our group projects are conducted through virtual teams.  In the article Rethinking Teambuilding, Hart and Mcleod (2003) note the teams with the strongest personal relationship also exchange more task-oriented communications.  Drawing insight from my experiences thus far, I found a certain level of personal exchange and relationship building is essential in building trust.  I would argue it is even more important for virtual teams since the quality of the scheduled calls already determines the task-oriented nature of the exchange.  When my teammates spend that few extra minutes before or after our project discussion to connect outside our school work, the teams grow closer.

One practical step for me to take is to be more open about my strengths and weaknesses based on the tasks.  During the first set of group assignments, I felt a little shy to admit my hesitation to take the lead on the writing portion.  I also sensed other team members were hesitated to claim their preferred tasks directly.  It took us two group calls to came up with specific roles and d