

日期:2020年02月24日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2991
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002220255135754 论文字数:4054 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

英国论文其实是个统称,其中包括Essay、Report、Literature Review和Dissertation等,每一类都对应着有个各自论文写法和格式。因此当我们拿到assignment outline之后需要明确要写的论文是什么类型什么体裁,做好心理有数。同时英国大学的学术环境历来非常浓厚,老师对同学的要求是很高的,特别是在学术论文上面,学生们被要求需要自己通过图书馆等途径翻阅资料,要做到真正的独立原创,抄袭COPY的情况绝对不允许发生。







1. 西方人的特点:

- 西方人和中国人为代表的东方人相比,他们的思维喜欢分析,从而习惯逻辑。而中国人喜欢概括,习惯文学化。各有优点,但来到了英国学习就首先要确定两个原则:要尽量去分析,去详细 + 要尽量用逻辑去安排结构。这两个其实是一个,分析太细,没有逻辑,那论文就是一盘散沙。但都是逻辑,没有分析,那论文就没有什么可读的内容。

2. 论文三要素:

- 理论、逻辑、案例。这三个也是一体,理论是论文的思想,是写论文的源泉,像树的根一样;逻辑是论文的支架,支撑着论文,像树的枝干一样;案例是论文的外表,装扮着论文,像树的枝叶花朵一样。在实际成果中,理论和案例都是可以用文字表达出来的,而逻辑是通过你的文章结构表达出来的。

3. “critical”的含义

- 在论文要求中,我们常常遇到critical这个单词——critical需要discuss大于describe,也就是讨论大于叙述,比如你学的是城市规划专业,essay是不能阐述英国现有的规划体系是什么,而是要讨论规划体系演变的脉络和其演变的动因,这个讨论也许是盲人摸象,一己之见,但这一己之见只要是你的,而且能写出来,就是一篇老师想要的论文了。


1. coursework outline:看老师发的作业的介绍。

2. topic:看完介绍后,给自己选择一个topic;

3. think:选择好了topic,你就自然会有一个大概的作业内容了,因为你之前肯定在上课的时候有了解到一些相关内容。当然如果没有也没关系,不过你要记得自己的topic时什么,然后开始思考;

4. handouts:根据topic去找相关的handouts,这里需要注意一点,老师发的handouts内容肯定是很泛的,但是老师的handouts的内容顺序是一定有道理的,这是一个常常被忽视的一点,handouts让我们学生去看,每个要点很难一下看明白,但handout的顺序却不一样,它是有逻辑的,有的有时间顺序的逻辑,或者有大小顺序的逻辑,或者其它。了解了handouts的逻辑,你就大概了解了这个知识领域的发展趋势了,你就可以在论文撰写的时候有一个边界。

5. rethink:这个时候,相对于第3步的think,第5步的rethink会很不一样了,通过对handouts的更深层次理解,你自己的知识框架就有了,从而也就可以开始构建你的论文框架了,也就是你论文大纲。这一步很重要,影响着整片论文的写法,所以即使是慢一点,也一定要多思考一些。

6. reading:根rethink出来的据框架去找reading,这时去读reading,对写论文来说就变得有用多了。同时在读的时候通过做标记、摘录、摘抄等方法(养成良好的引用习惯会为后面省事很多事),把内容大体的源头标注出来。

7. writing:准备完6步,这时候在开始写论文,确实会胸有成竹很多了,把摘录好的readings,通过rephase成自己的话,加上自己的结构和观点,一篇简单的论文就写成功了。

8. check:首先添加references,在check文字格式,在check单词和语法,一篇英国论文就大功告成了。



The aim of this report is to analyse the current situation of McDonalds as an organisation in the UK market and to evaluate their current sales decline. The primary focus is to provide a detailed analysis of the organisation and its position in the UK market, developing a link between declining sales and the overall shift in consumer behaviour. The report initially provides an overview of McDonalds as an organisation. This is followed by a detailed evaluation of the firm’s current position in the market which links back to why sales are declining for the firm and what are the root causes for this in the business. This is followed by a recommendations section which develops a ground up strategy for the organisation to improve its performance in the UK market.

McDonald’s Overview

McDonald’s UK is part of the larger group called McDonald’s, which operates in over 100 countries. The organisation reported a revenue of $33 billion in 2014 and has over 400,000 employees worldwide (McDonald’s Annual Report, 2014). As an organisation the firm operates over 36,000 outlets which is more than any other retailer across the globe. Before moving on, it needs to be highlighted that while McDonald’s operates with a global ‘menu’, the organisation also develops bespoke products for some of the markets based on demand in the region (BBC, 2014).

McDonald’s in the UK

McDonald’s is a well-known fast-food brand in the UK. It operates at over 3000 locations and has seen growth over the past 10 year (McDonald’s Annual Report, 2014). However, recently, McDonald’s across the globe and in the UK highlighted a consistent decline in sales. Millington (2014) states that McDonald’s has reported a drop in sales by 4% in the UK, which highlight that the firm is not on the same growth path as it used to be. Similar article was published by Bold (2015) where the author highlighted that the growth pattern of McDonald’s has stopped and the firm, for the first time in 45 y