1.3 Purpose of The Study
According to the problem above this research is to describe how the 11th grade students ability in writing narrative paragraph at SMAN 1 MANYAR can be improved by using short movie.
1.4 Significance of The Study
The findings of this research can be useful for the teacher and other researchers. For the teachers, the finding of this study can give the alternative way or technique in teaching writing narrative texts.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of The Study
The research is focused on the teaching and learning process by involving the 11th grade students of SMAN I MANYAR GRESIK in short movie to improve their writing ability in narrative texts. The improvement is focused on four components: organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic. Those components are analyzed using analytic scoring rubric for writing.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher defines several important terms in this proposal:
Short movie is a movie that has a short duration about 15-20 minutes length.
Narrative is a piece of text which tells a story and has generic structure begins from orientation, complications, and resolution.
Writing ability is a way that needs skill of communicating a message to a reader to express idea, thoughts and feelings.
Improve is make something to be better. From low to high.
This chapter aims to provide a review of the literature related to the teaching of English in Indonesia, the problem of writing, the previous research and the media.
2.1 The Teaching of English in Indonesia
English is the international language which is used in communication, or an activity every time. Mastering English is getting important. In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject. But it seems that the teaching of English as a Foreign Language is not to lead the students to be able to communicate, but only to prepare the students to pass the national examination (Kam & Wong, 2004:181).
But nowadays, many teachers and learners realize if learning English is not only the skill that we need to pass the exams, but also for communication. Saukah (2000) states that the purpose of teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia is that the learners will master to use English for communication; in written or oral language. The ability to communicate is the way how we are able to understand and show to express something.
Writing is one of four language skills which has important role in teaching English as a Foreign Language. Brown (2001), writing is simple as putting the ideas or concepts into paper. Compared to speaking, writing is more difficult because writing has the typical characteristics of language that are more complex than those of spoken language such as the degree of formality.
Naturally, the process of writing needs the different set of competencies and skills which not every writer has. As beginners, Senior High School students, of course, cannot be expected to master and apply all those writing skills.
The students still have a lot of prob