
留学生毕业论文proposal:国际管理硕士开题范文INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT

日期:2018年01月22日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1507
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201711091102116366 论文字数:1638 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:开题报告 Proposal



中国是纺织品大贸易国占了世界30%(王,2011)。它有着巨大的国内市场和丰富的廉价劳动力。 随着大量劳动密集型产业的转移,中国企业开始进行粗放式管理,即生产高消耗原材料的产品; 但是这导致企业发展的空间有限(Chinanews,2013)。

资源短缺,劳动力成本上升和融资难题使得企业采用先进的制造方法在动态环境中获得持续竞争优势的压力很大(bwchinese,2011)。 丰田成功之后,精益管理已经在西方国家普及和应用。 与发达国家相比,中国企业对精益理念的反应缓慢(Sun,2012)。 在激烈的竞争中,中国传统的粗放式管理已经不再适用(bwchinese,2011)。 按照Hayes和Pisano(1994)的说法,在市场竞争中保持可持续发展的灵活性或根据市场需求变化的能力是非常重要的。

China is a big trade country in textiles accounting for 30% in the world (Wang, 2011). It has a huge growing domestic market and abundant of cheap labour force. Along with the transfer of large amount of labour-intense industries, Chinese enterprises used to conduct extensive management, which means that manufactures produce products with high consumption of raw materials; however this leads to limited space for development for enterprises (Chinanews, 2013). 
Resource shortage, increasing labour cost and financing challenges have put high pressure on enterprises to embrace advanced manufacturing method to gain sustainable competitive advantage in dynamic environment (bwchinese, 2011). After the success of TOYOTA, lean management has been popular and applied in western countries. Compared with developed countries, Chinese enterprises respond slowly to lean concept (Sun, 2012). The traditional extensive management in China is no longer suitable under the fierce competition (bwchinese, 2011). As per Hayes and Pisano (1994), flexibility or ability to change according to market demand is very important in the competitive market to maintain a sustainable development.
Schonberg has defined the term “World Class Manufacture”, namely lean manufacturing. It embraces the idea of having the right products with high quality at the right time sold at proper price. Paul and Suresh (1997) described that Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Total Quality Management (TQM) and Just in Time (JIT) are three pillars of world class manufacturing. Koregaonkar (1992) viewed JIT as an integrated system involving production, sales and distribution, aiming to eliminate waste and inventories. 
Furthermore, in recent years, small and medium size private enterprises become an important part of textile industry in Chinese market. TongXing Warp Knitting Ltd. is one of those located at ZheJiang Province. This dissertation is aim to adopt lean management to Chinese SMEs in textile industry by taking TongXing Warp Knitting Ltd. as an example. It will benefit Chinese SMEs to compete in the dynamic environment and carry out the business for sustainable development since lean refers to eliminating waste, improving efficiency and enhancing the quality of products.

Literature Review文献回顾

1. Just-In-Time(JIT) Production

TOYOTA developed JIT system to streamline its production process. And it was soon popular throughout the world. JIT production is delivering sustainable competitive advantage to organization s as a change and improvement strategy (Seif and Qasim, 2012). It is characterized as “pull” approach as well, which is opposite to the conventional approach described as “push”. The preceding work station only produce the exact amount of items needed by the next work station. And the certain amount is decided by the customers’ requirement. The ideal continuous work flow can only be made under the premise of fully understanding of the accurate timing and capacity of machine (Manoochehri, 1988).
It can bring significant business improvements while implementing JIT manufacturing system: 
a. lead time reduction
Lead time refers to the length of time it takes to produce a product and to the frequency of production of a particular product (Nitin et al., 2010). Gupta et al. (2003) presented a case study in which the lead time is reduced almost by 50 % in a service sector by the application of JIT philosophy. 
b. inventory reduction
Work-in-progress inventories are considered as the root of many problems at different levels (Spencer et al. 1994). High cost of