

日期:2023年03月05日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:527
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202302171115227040 论文字数:82566 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1  The background of the present study

The speech act of disagreement is commonly perceived as dis-preferred (Pomerantz 1985; Leech 1983), rapport-challenging (Spencer-Oatey 2008) and face-threatening (Brown & Levinson 1987; Culpeper 1996) in earlier pragmatic studies. However, recent studies on disagreement suggested that disagreement should not be regarded as a priori negative/impolite act within the perspective of discursive and interactional approaches (Angouri & Locher 2012; Arundale 2006; Locher 2004; Locher & Watts 2005). Disagreement was revealed to be politic, preferred, and valued in specific social-cultural contexts (Georgakopoulou & Patrona 2000; Harb 2021; Lopez-Ozieblo 2018; Netz 2014; Shum & Lee 2013; Zhu & Boxer 2013). For instance, the strong disagreement, i.e., disagreement in completely direct and unmitigated forms (Pomerantz 1985) was found to be perceived as an appropriate speech act and to serve positive functions for rapport management and achievement of interactional goals in the Chinese language community (Zhu 2014a, 2014b). 

Disagreement practices in psychotherapeutic discourse are also worthy of further investigations. In view of the psychotherapeutic tradition that advocates the affiliative practices like empathy and alignment (Fitzgerald & Leudar 2010; Rogers 1942; Weiste & Peräkylä 2013; Wu 2020; Wynn & Wynn 2006), the dis-affiliative practices like disagreement and misalignment received very little attention of scholars (Weiste 2015). Besides, most of the dis-affiliative practices of the therapist were discussed as the extreme cases or failures of the affiliative practices, often accompanied with the client’s resistances or rapture of therapeutic relationship (Muntigl 2013; Muntigl etal. 2013; Wu 2021). However, budding researches on therapists’ linguistic practices in psychotherapeutic discourse disclosed the positive value of disagreement. For instance, most of the significant moment in psychotherapy perceived by clients encompassed therapists’ disagreement practices (Hill et al. 1992; Viklund et al. 2009). Disagreement was also an inevitable part of therapeutic projects (Weiste 2015) and valuable resources of therapeutic changes (Voutilainen, Peräkylä, & Ruusuvuori 2010, 2011). Considering the limitations and implications of previous studies on disagreement, it is fair to say that further explorations of the values and effects of disagreement in psychotherapeutic discourse are quite worthwhile and necessary.


1.2  The research objective and research questions

Taking the complicated but intriguing language phenomenon of disagreement practices as the starting point, the present study orients to the disagreement practices in Chinese psychotherapeutic discourse (CPD), specifically in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression, which had been largely disregarded and rarely discussed in previous researches on disagreement. 

On the basis of the authentic language data collected from 45 audio-recorded sessions of psychotherapeutic counselling for depression in a specialized psychological counselling center, this study attempts to uncover the linguistic realizations, functions as well as underlying mechanism of therapists’ disagreement cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for depression. In short, the present study aimed to answer the three major research questions as follows.

(1) What are the linguistic realizations of the therapist’s disagreement in cognitive therapy for depression? 

(2) What are the functions of the therapist’s disagreement in cognitive therapy  for depression?

(3) What is the underlying mechanism of therapist’s disagreement in cognitive therapy for depression? 


2.1  The definition of disagreement

In order