

日期:2021年10月01日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:741
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202109182152379014 论文字数:42366 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
tially, the descriptive analysis was carried out to presentthe frequency of L2 learners’ strategy use, then followed by the frequency of L3learners’ strategy use.

4.1.1 Overall tendency of L2 and L3 learners’ strategies use

Table 4.1 Experience of participants’ language learning

Table 4.1 Experience of participants’ language learning

According to Table 4.1, there were 238 English majors who learn English astheir L2 and 201 Japanese majors who consider Japanese as their L3. Moreover, thefirst language of all participants is Chinese, and the second language that they learnafter enrollment is English unexceptionally observed from the overall sample datacollected from these participants.

Table 4.2 displays the overall frequency of learning strategies used by L2 and L3learners. There were 238 L2-English majors and 201 L3-Japanese majors on thewhole. According to Table 4.2, it is evident that the frequency of L2 learners’ strategy use was higher than that of L3 leaners with a total mean of 26.42 larger than 25.93 ofL3 learners.

Table 4.2 An overview of the overall strategies use for L2 and L3 learners

Table 4.2 An overview of the overall strategies use for L2 and L3 learners


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major findings of the study

Based on the themes concerning learning strategies used by L2 and L3 learners,the main findings of the study could be summarized as follows:

Firstly, according to descriptive statistics for the overall trend of strategy use, L2and L3 learners both employ learning strategies at a moderate level. Many scholarshad confirmed that Oxford’s SILL has a highly reliability and validity throughconducting a series of practical studies (e.g., Katrin & Leijen, 2018; Zoe & Maria,2018). And from the collected questionnaires data, there were scarcely deviatingsamples marked by participants for the question options concerning strategies useafter stringently eliminating some unreasonable questionnaires in which the strategyscales were ranked extremely high or extremely low or just were completely invalidnull values, thereupon ensuring a benign reliability of data analysis. For this reason, amoderate trend of strategy use reflected by L2 and L3 learners was creditable in thepresent study.

Secondly, the results of descriptive statistics indicated that the frequency of L3learners’ strategy use was lower than that of L2 learners. Moreover, the analysis ofpair-sample t-test also pointed out that there were smaller means for the strategy useof L3 learners than that of L2 learners and a significant difference existed betweenthem. Obviously, these two mechanisms of statistical analysis both consistentlyindicated that L3 learners employed less learning strategies than L2 learners on thewhole. Mirosław and Kiermasz (2018) also demonstrated that the level of strategyuse in L3 was lower than that in L2, both in general and in specific groups of strategies concluded in SILL, which was exactly corresponding to the findings of thepresent study.
