

日期:2021年10月01日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:741
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202109182152379014 论文字数:42366 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
bin (1987) proposed that learning strategies are kinds of strategymechanisms conducive for learners to constructing their own systems for languagedevelopment independently, and thus affecting their learning performance directly onthis basis. Oxford (1989) claimed that learning strategies are specific actions taken bylearners to make their language learning more effective, interesting and autonomous.Ellis (1994) advocated that learning strategies are mental activities or behaviors oflearners associated with a particular stage embedded in their entire process oflanguage acquisition or language use. Cohen (1998) pointed out that languagelearning and language use strategies can be defined as a kind of process that learnersconsciously choose. This process may lead learners to take measures to use or learn asecond language and foreign language by means of storing, retaining and recallinginformation about language. According to Anderson, LLS could be defined as“conscious actions that learners take to improve their language learning” (Anderson,2005, p.757). Griffiths also formulated a definition concerning LLS based on the sixcrucial peculiarities, that is, “active nature, consciousness, learners’ choice ofstrategies, goal orientation, regulation of learning and focus on learning”. 


2.2 Previous studies of L2 and L3 learning strategies abroad

Although multilingualism has become a fact of life in the last few decades,multitudinous previous works still be defeated in discussing L3 learners’ strategy useand how it might differ from strategy use of L2 learners either in this trend (e.g.,Cohen, 2011; Cohen & Macaro, 2007; Oxford, 2011). Generally speaking, many earlyresearchers (e.g., Nation & McLaughlin, 1986; Nayak et al., 1990; Thomas, 1988)have demonstrated that “multilinguals tend to employ a greater number of strategiesand that they may do it better than monolinguals or bilinguals in the process oflearning’’ (Jessner, 2008b). However, with respect to the issue that whether thisdiscourse is correct or not has not yet been confirmed completely even though most ofthe current studies on L2 and L3 learning strategies have reached similar conclusionswith it.

Research on L2 and L3 learning strategies abroad were relatively comprehensive,appreciating a great development potential and fruitful achievements. Moreover, auniversal feature was detected obviously in these studies, that is, Oxford’s SILL wasemployed as a research mechanism to analyze strategy use of different learners.Firstly, some studies took university-level students as their research subjects, and thegeneral conclusion obtained by them was that multilinguals tend to adopt morelearning strategies and even they adopt learning strategies more frequently andefficiently than bilinguals or monolinguals (e.g., Jessner et al., 2016; Kemp, 2007;Merkelbach, 2011; Mißler, 2000; Psaltou-Joycey & Kantaridou, 2009).


Chapter 3 Methodology.................................... 21

3.1 Research questions.......................................... 21

3.2 Research setting............................21

3.3 Participants........................ 22

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions........................................29

4.1 Results of question 1...................................... 29

4.1.1 Overall tendency of L2 and L3 learners’ strategies use...............................29 Overall tendency of L2 learners’ strategies use.......................... 30 Overall tendency of L3 learners’ strategies use.......................... 32

Chapter 5 Conclusion......................................... 45

5.1 Major findings of the study................................................ 45

5.2 Implications for L2 and L3 learning and teaching............................ 47

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Results of question 1

This section was designed to conduct a discussion for the overall tendency ofstrategy use in L2 and L3. Ini