

日期:2024年04月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:482
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202404161057114078 论文字数:35223 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
re only the greatest companies can survive and thrive. 

To succeed in a competitive market, it helps to have an edge over the competitors. There are two primary goals that should be considered while formulating a company's competitive strategy, as outlined by Porter. The first factor is the industry's attractiveness, which is based on how profitable it is over the long term. Second, a breakdown of how the company's competitive standing in the market will be affected by numerous circumstances According to Porter, the profitability of an industry is affected by five different competitive forces: new entrants, suppliers, existing competitors, substitutes, and purchasers. Managers frequently use Porter's Competitive Tactics as a guide for developing their own strategies for competing [74]. A company's competitive strategies for a division within an industry is to identify the point at which the firm may best insulate it from or exert a positive influence on competitive pressures. The key to establishing a plan is to go behind the surface and analyse the source of each force, as the combined strength of these pressures may be obvious to all competitors [76]. 

2.2 Strategy concept and Strategy level Theory

2.2.1 Strategic concept

The military has introduced the concept of’ ‘strategy,'' which refers to the use of military power against an adversary in order to win a battle, into the world of business [39]. Both stratus (meaning army) and ageing (meaning plan) are derived from the Greek word "strategy" (to lead). The Greeks considered the formulation of strategy to be a task best left to the army general. Even in the commercial world, this approach is now widely accepted. According to Chinese General Sun Dzu [36]. Strategy development is one of the responsibilities of a leader, and I wrote about it at the same time. According to Xenophon [40] one of the first definitions of strategy is "Strategy knows the business you intend to carry out." Strategic knowledge is implied by this term.

During the 1960s, Chandler said [37] that strategy was "the creation of basic long-term goals and objectives for a company, along with a plan for how to achieve these goals and how to allocate resources to achieve them." 

Michael Porter described strategy as [38] "the process of establishing a distinct and valuable position via the execution of a distinct set of activities. A strategically positioned business engages in activities that are distinct from those of competitors or engages in comparable activities in novel ways." 

Kenneth Andrews [35] says that strategy is "the pattern of key objectives or goals and the fundamental policies and plans for achieving the goals, articulated in such a way that defines what business a firm has or has to have and the kind of company it has or has to have." This helps us understand what a strategy is and how it works. In this way, "Strategy" is defined because it places a lot of emphasis on why something is being done and how it will be done. In addition, it shows how the company thinks and behaves. 

Chapter 3 Analysis of the Internal Environment of Garibson’s Rice and Wheat business ....... 32

3.1 Introduction of Garibsons Ltd and its Rice and Wheat business ................ 32

3.2 Human resources analysis ............................. 34

Chapter 4 Analysis of the External Environment of Garibsons’s Rice and Wheat business ..... 40

4.1 PEST analysis of the macro environment ............................. 40

4.1.1 Political ................................. 40

4.1.2 Economic ..................................... 40

Chapter 5 Competitive Strategy Choice of Garibson’s Rice and Wheat business .................... 47

5.1 SWOT analysis and alternative strategic solutions ................ 47

5.1.1 SWOT Analysis ............................ 47

5.1.2 Alternative Strategic Solutions ....................... 51

Chapter 5 Competitive Strategy Choice of Garibson’s Rice and Wheat business

5.1 SWOT analysis and alternative