

日期:2022年02月17日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1077
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202202111340262768 论文字数:49566 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Background of the Research

Since the opening of the nineteenth National Congress of the CPC, China’snational strength and international influence continue to increase and the concept ofdisseminating Chinese culture abroad is emphasized again, thus making the progress ofChinese cultural going-global get smoother and smoother.

At the Symposium on the Work of Literature and Art convened in October, 2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping once put forward the vision:

Writers and artists should tell good stories about China, spread the voice ofChina, clarify the spirit of China and show the Chinese style, so that foreignpeople can deepen their understanding of China and enhance their understandingof China by appreciating good works of Chinese writers and artists. We shouldintroduce the excellent culture and art of our country to the world, and let theforeign people feel the charm in the aesthetic process.

From General Secretary Xi Jinping’s declaration, we can see that he attaches greatimportance to the construction of China’s cultural soft power, which in his mind willcontribute to the improving of international recognition of China.

1.2 Significance of the Research

Theoretically, when sociology is applied to translation studies, it becomestranslation studies with a completely new perspective in sociological turn or theestablishment of translation sociology. In 1972, James Holmes read “the Name andNature of Translation Studies”, which is considered as the declaration of theindependence of translation studies, at the Third International Conference on AppliedLinguistics in Copenhagen (Holmes, 2000). It opened a new era of translation studies.Thereafter, Toury’s translation norms inherited and perfected Holmes’ thought. Then,Michaela Wolf proposed a “sociological turn” in translation studies. Gouanvic is oneof the first scholars to study translation from the perspective of Bourdieu sociology.Chinese scholars’ research on “sociology of translation” is still in the preliminary stageof exploration. Li Hongman reviews the application of Bourdieu’s sociological theoryin translation studies in the western world. Wang Hongtao has made a preliminarydefinition of the basic concepts such as the nature of the discipline, the researchobjectives, the research methods and the research framework of “ sociology oftranslation”. In addition, Yang Liu (2003), Zhao Zhihua (2011), Yang Xiaohua (2011),Wang Yuechen (2011), and Xing Jie (2015) have applied Bourdieu’s concept of field,habitus and capital to the study of translation.

In general, the studies that focus on “sociology of translation” are mainly illustration or perfection of some related theories and interpretation of some key wordsin the sociological theory by some well-known translators. Few scholars combined the“sociology of translation” with some specific works to solve some practical problemslike promoting Chinese culture abroad. By combining the theory with practice, we cannot only deepen the connotation of the basic concepts of “sociology of translation” butalso promote the further development of the theory.


2.1 Review on Studies on Lin Yutang’s Translations

Firstly, there are some papers studying the translation works of Lin Yutang. LinYutang translated many excellent works throughout his life including TheAutobiography of a Girl Soldier, Du Shiniang, Travel Notes by Laocan, Six Chapters ofa Floating Life, Dream Shadows and so on. The number of scholars who study Lin’ssingle works is not in the minority. For example, Yang Liu (2004), Zhai Hongmei andZhang Derang (2009), Gu Yi (2009), Cai Xinle (2015), Xia Wanlu (2016), ZhangJihong (2016), Lv Shisheng (2017), Feng Quangong and Hou Xiaoyuan (2017) and soon.

2.1.1 Studies that focus on texts themselves

By making a systematic analysis of these studies, we can find that studies on LinYutang’s translations can