2.2 Review on Studies on Lin Yutang’s TranslationThoughts
Studies on Lin Yutang’s translation thoughts have never ceased and most of themfocus on Lin’s translation thoughts embodied in his paper On Translation. For example,Chen Rongdong (1997), Yang Liu (2004), Lu Yang (2005), Lv Shisheng (2013), MengXiangchun (2016), Liang Manling and Hu Weihua (2017) and so on.
Since Lin Yutang was the first translator to put forward aesthetic translation, mostof scholars devote themselves to studying his aesthetic translation. For example, fromthe perspective of translation aesthetics, Chen Rongdong (1997) in his paper claims thatthe value of On Translation not only lies in the three translation standards but also liesin his insights for several important aspects of translation aesthetics involved in hisinterpretation of the three standards. These ideas are involved in translation aestheticobject (the original text), the aesthetic subject (translator) and aesthetic process(translation thinking and procedures), product (translation) and the aesthetic principle ofaesthetic judgment (translation criticism criteria), which are of great significance to theconstruction of translation theory. Mass culture of translation is a new phrase ofmodernity. It attracts readers and markets with its effect of the “shock” to daily life andharmonizing people’s personality. Lu Yang (2005) also focuses on Lin’s translationaesthetics. From the perspective of poetics, the author studies the internal relationshipbetween the idea of “aesthetic translation”, the form of “aesthetic translation”, and thevalue of “aesthetic translation” and the tradition of poetics in Lin Yutang’s translationtheory and practice. As the first translator in Chinese history to advocate aesthetictranslation, Lin Yutang put forward the aesthetic thought of translation for the first time.From the aspects of aesthetic subject, aesthetic object, aesthetic psychology andaesthetic effect, Lin Yutang put forward his translation criteria of “faithfulness,smoothness and beauty”. The thesis holds that Lin Yutang’s translation theory isactually “aesthetic translation”. Yang Liu (2004) links aesthetics with mass culture oftranslation. Mass culture of translation is a new form of translation in the process ofcultural modernity. It has won wide readership and wide market with its “shock” effectand affinity.
Chapter Three THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK........... 21
3.1 Notion of Field............................21
3.1.1 Nature and characteristics of field........................21
3.1.2 Cultural production field.......................