First, regarding the types of pragmatic presupposition in Chinese and Englishe-commerce marketing discourse, it is found that there is no significant difference in theapplication of pragmatic presupposition in Chinese and English e-commerce marketingdiscourse, which remains almost the same. It is concluded that there are seven types ofpragmatic presupposition, namely, existential presupposition, factive presupposition,behavior presupposition, state presupposition, belief presupposition, demand presupposition,and identity presupposition. These seven types are all common in Chinese and Englishe-commerce marketing discourse. The existential presupposition actually refers to the realexistence of certain social entities in society, and in e-commerce marketing discourse, itgenerally refers to the brand to which the marketing products belong or the exclusive andspecific raw materials. About the factive presupposition, it is generally the factualbackground information of the marketing products, including the history of the products andthe brand and the processing of the products implied in the e-commerce marketing discourse,which can win the trust of consumers. And the behavior presupposition refers to thedissatisfaction of the consumers’ behaviors, the persuasion of the consumers’ currentbehaviors and the vision and expectation of consumers’ future behaviors in the e-commercemarketing discourse. As for the state presupposition, it is generally divided into only the undesirable past state and the desirable state after the changes. Belief presupposition aims tochange consumers’ internal beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. About the demandpresupposition, it generally refers to the different levels of social and psychological needs ofdifferent groups of consumers. The last type of pragmatic presupposition is the identitypresupposition, which refers to the different identity images of consumers at the social level.