

日期:2021年12月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1018
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw202112080950252841 论文字数:72152 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ch of language in use, not limited to the length of apiece of writing. All the time, language and discourse are practically inseparable. With therapid development of market-oriented economy in recent years, the language in marketingdiscourse, namely, the marketing language, as an indispensable manifestation in productmarketing activities has received extensive attention from researchers in various countries.Therefore, at first, many scholars are committed to exploring the definitions of the marketinglanguage or the marketing discourse. Zhang Zhonghui (2007: 124) thought that the languagein marketing discourse was a specialized language for two-way communication of ideasdominated by marketers. Marketers needed to not only express themselves clearly, but alsolisten carefully to each other to find a breakthrough in selling their products. Xu Renjie(2012: 120) argued that the marketing language was different from the general language inthat it was a terminology with obvious industry characteristics that was used in a specificfield. It was a two-way verbal communication with the marketers as the leaders, thecustomers as the talking objects and the ultimate goal of selling goods or services.

From what has been mentioned above, it is shown that for the definitions of thelanguage in marketing discourse, most scholars generally agree that it is a persuasive speechact led by marketers or sellers, mainly including the linguistic forms of speech acts andnonverbal forms of speech acts. The former includes spoken and written forms. Oral formsrefer to the face-to-face interactions between marketers or sellers and consumers in sales.Written forms refer to the texts or discourses in marketing activities that are published byenterprises merchants through outdoor billboards. The latter refers to images of relatedproducts on posters, background music on media platforms, animations and items displayedin physical stores.

In addition, with the advent of the Internet age in recent years, e-commerce marketingdiscourse has been brought back to the linguistic academic circles, and then there have beena wealth of researches on this. Then, for the language in e-commerce marketing discourse inthis paper, namely, the e-commerce marketing language, it is only a special marketinglanguage evolved from the marketing language. In general, the language in e-commercemarketing discourse is a typical persuasive speech act mainly composed of static texts. It isalso a kind of online marketing language written by sellers themselves or the marketersemployed by sellers in order to promote the products to potential consumers to achieve thepurpose of selling goods by describing the basic information about the products, explainingthe design concepts of the products and emphasizing the unique features of the products.

2.2 Relevant Studies on Pragmatic Presupposition in Marketing Discourseand E-Commerce Marketing Discourse

This part shows a series of relevant studies on pragmatic presupposition in marketingdiscourse and e-commerce marketing discourse at home and abroad. Furthermore, there aresome critical comments about all these studies at last.

2.2.1 Studies on Pragmatic Presupposition in Marketing Discourse

Torben Vestergaard & Kim Schroder (1985) argued that the pragmatic presuppositionwas used frequently in advertising language, a special language in marketing discourse.Because this special language was the positive but relatively obscure claim about theproducts that the marketers made to the public, the pragmatic presupposition would play animportant role. Keiko Tanaka (1994) in the article showed that how pragmatic presuppositionwas applied to advertising language, a special language in marketing discourse, in differentcontexts, and how messages were communicated to consumers in an implicit form.

Jean S. Peccei (2000) argued that the pragmatic presupposition would play an importantrole in persuasive discourse. The author argued that for the writers of the marketingdiscour