

日期:2021年12月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1079
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw202112080950252841 论文字数:72152 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
se, sometimes, they were not allowed to reveal certain features of the products clearly.So they only chose the pragmatic presupposition, a very important linguistic theory, toexpress the marketing discourse in a very subtle way to achieve the same selling purposes.However, it was a pity that in this study, Peccei simply gave some examples to illustrate theviews and did not clearly express how the pragmatic presupposition was used in marketingdiscourse to achieve promotional purposes.


Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation: Pragmatic Presupposition..................14

3.1 Definitions of Pragmatic Presupposition............................. 14

3.2 Features of Pragmatic Presupposition......................15

3.3 Classifications of Pragmatic Presupposition.....................16

Chapter Four Research Methodology...................................... 20

4.1 Data Collection.................................20

4.2 Research Methods................................. 21

4.3 Research Procedures..................................... 22

Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion........................ 24

5.1 Types of Pragmatic Presupposition in Chinese and English E-CommerceMarketing Discourse.................... 24

5.1.1 Existential Presupposition...........25

5.1.2 Factive Presupposition.................. 29

Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion

5.1 Types of Pragmatic Presupposition in Chinese and EnglishE-Commerce Marketing Discourse

The e-commerce marketing discourse is an important manifestation of the onlinemarketing activities. It aims to shorten the geographic and psychological gaps betweenmarketers or sellers and consumers, to affect the consumers’ attitudes and to promote theirbuying behaviors. Therefore, marketers or sellers must know how to fully study and graspthe social psychology of consumers on the other side of the screen, especially their consumerpsychology, when writing the e-commerce marketing discourse. The more attractive thecontent of the marketing discourse and the richer the information conveyed, the morepotential consumers are interested in the marketing products and the more thorough theunderstanding is. The more cleverly the presupposition is used, the more easily it is acceptedby potential consumers, so the pragmatic presupposition has been an essential marketingstrategy for the writing of the e-commerce marketing discourse.

In analyzing the collected discourse, it is found that by the author, the pragmaticpresupposition employed in some e-commerce marketing discourse can be explained byChen Xinren’s (1998) classification of pragmatic presupposition, while the pragmaticpresupposition in other e-commerce marketing discourse cannot be elaborated by his view.And it is also found that, there is no significant difference between Chinese e-commerce marketing discourse and English e-commerce marketing discourse in terms of theapplication of pragmatic presupposition types, and the types are basically consistent.Therefore, this section mainly introduces several main types of pragmatic presuppositioncommonly used in both Chinese and English e-commerce marketing discourse. In this study,according to the analysis of the collected discourse, it is analyzed that there are seven typesof pragmatic presupposition used in Chinese and English e-commerce marketing discourse.They are existential presupposition, factive presupposition, behavior presupposition, statepresupposition, belief presupposition, demand presupposition, and identity presupposition.The results of this study are mainly based on Chen Xinren’s (1998) classification andadditional supplements are made according to the different categories of the collected corpusand differentiated language features by the author. Next, these seven types of pragmaticpresupposition are illustrated one by one.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings of the Research

This study takes pragmatic presupposition as the theoretical foundation, qualitativeanalysis and quantitative analysis as research methods, a