Chapter One Introduction
According to professor Hu Gengshen, “translation is defined as a selective activity of translator’s adaptation to the environment of translating” (Hu Gengshen,2004:219). Based on this definition, the thesis is dedicated to analyze and explain translator’s adaptive selection in C-E prose translating, taking an example of Selected Modern Chinese Essays by Zhang Peiji. This chapter will give an introduction to the thesis, such as research background, objective of the thesis, significance of the study and structure of the thesis.
1.1 Research Background
At the beginning of 21st century with the influence of ecological trend of thought in global background, Chinese scholar Hu Gengshen, as a trailblazer, in 2001 proposed a brand new translation theory—Eco-translatology. As a newly e merging Eco-translation paradigm of translation, enlightened by Charles Darwin ’s Natural Selection Theory of Evolution, Eco-translatology studies translation from ecological perspective. Professor Hu regarded the process of translation as translator ’s continuous actions of adaptation and selection. W ith more than ten years of developm ent, Eco-translatology has drawn much m ore attention because of its novelty and specialty. Based on this theoretical framework, quite a number of articles and papers have been accomplished. All of these prove that Eco-translatology is gradually becoming a mature translation theory, therefore more applied studies are needed to strengthen and develop this new theory. Prose as an essential literary genre, occupies an equal position with poetry, fiction and drama. However, in literary translation, much attention has been focused on the translation of poetry, fiction in China, and prose translation draw little a ttention of Chinese tra nslators. Meanwhile, prose translation studies also ha ve not been studied thoroughly and widely comparing with other literary translation studies. Based on this background the thesis comes up accordingly.
1.2 Objectives of the Thesis
The thesis intends to exert Eco-translatological theory to analyze C-E prose translation so as to explore a new perspective to instruct translation practice. Based on Professor Hu’ s view, the p rocess of translating is a con tinuous process of transl ator’s adaptation and selection. Accordingly, this thes is tries to interpret translator’s adaptive selection in C-E prose translation process. As a good reference and guidance model for C-E prose translations, Zhang Peiji’s Selected Modern Chinese Essays is a valuab le treasure in both lite rary and translation fields, for which not only introdu ces a variety of classical works of Chinese famous writers to the world but also is well received by domestic and overseas readers and scholars for its high quality and standard. Based on this reason the thesis takes case study on it owing to its typical and representative character.There fore, this thesis takes Selected Modern Chinese Essays as an example to analyze and interpret translator’s adaptive selection in C-E prose translation. First, it tries to prove the Eco-translatological feasib ility in C-E prose translat ion study through showing its explanatory power. Second, it intends to provide guidance in C-E prose translation practice by analyzing and pointing out vari ous translation methods of translator’s adaptive selection. Thus, a new perspective can be explored in C-E prose translation study.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Study of Eco-translatology
In 2001, enlightened