

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1650
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201610081505444266 论文字数:39062 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
 by  Charles  Darwin’s  Natural  Selection  Theory  of  Evolution, professor Hu Gengshen proposed Eco-translatol ogy, which is an em erging Eco-translation paradigm  of translation. W ith  more  than te n  years of developm ent,  Eco-translatology has drawn  much  more  attention because  of its nove lty and specialty. This chapter will tak e a review of the studies on this  theory from both abroad and hom e, and the previous studies at home also can be divided into theoretical studies and applie d studies. In addition, a brief review on previous study on C-E prose translation will also be given.  With the influence of the global tre nd of ecological thought, translation scholars could not  avoid realizing th at  translation  had ecolo gical  principles,  such as “eco-env ironment”, “adaptation”  and “selection”. Som e  western schol ars  explained their re search  findings as follows: In  1988, Peter Newmark in his book A textbook of translation remarked that choices and decisions in translation were the whole research contents of translation theory in both the target language text and source language text. In his division of cultural intervention, he also used ecological features to describe translation (Peter Newmark,1988:95).In  1989, in her book The Art of Translation: Voices from the Field, Rosanna Warren, a famous  translation  theorist,  vividly  compared  the trans lation  action o f  literary  works  to plants or animals, because only adapting to the changed environment can they survive in the new places. Therefore in her point of view , translation is a kind of cognitiv e and survival mode (Warren,1989:6). 

2.2 Previous Studies on Selected Modern Chinese Essays
Just as Zhao Jianzhong rem arked in Literary Style Study, prose is the m ost practical literary  style.  Every nation that has its own  language  and  literature must have its prose writing  (Zhao Jianzhong, 1990:41 1).  It indicates  that  prose has been  linked  closely with literature, resumed a place com parable to literature and lan guage. He also pointed out tha t “prose is a piece of literary and artistic writing, which is short and flexible depicting the truth and  facts, real m an  and true feelings  reflecting  uplifting them es”(Zhao Jianzhong, 1990:411).Fang  Qiu (2004:88) also mentioned that a real prose must fully and completely express the writer’s personality, sentiment, thoughts and spirit. According to J.A. Cuddon’s definition, “prose”  is an English word derived from Latin  “prosa”, with m eans  of “straigh t  forward discourse” equivalent to the  “essay”. Cuddon considered prose  as a direct, unadorned for m of language, written or spoken, in ordinary usage. It differs from poetry or verse in that it is not restricted in rhythm, measure or rhyme (Cuddon, 1979:26). All  of  these  talked  above  manifests  that  a real prose m ust  be true, its language is natural and direct. Based on their experiences, the writers show their subjective attitudes, real feelings and sentiments towards a person, a thing or a scene. 

Chapter Three  Theor etical Framework ......... 14 
3.1 A Brief Introduction to Eco-translatology ..... 14 
3.1.1 The Origin and Development of Eco-translatology ......... 14 
3.1.2 Theoretical Paradigm: Translation as Adaptation and Selection ....... 16 
3.2 Main Concepts of Eco-translatology ...... 17