

日期:2018年07月23日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3535
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201604231037458776 论文字数:37928 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review第1章文献综述
1.1 Studies on S. T. Coleridge and Christabel Abroad国外科勒律治与克里斯塔贝尔研究
柯勒律治被他的一些同时代人誉待,如今他作为一名文学评论家和一位才华横溢的抒情诗人而闻名。国外的研究主要集中在Coleridge的生活经历、诗歌想象、宗教、政治哲学观、他的自然观和他的文学美学。Coleridge  is  hailed  by  some  of  his  contemporaries  and  is  generally  celebrated today as a literary critic and a lyric poet of brilliant wit. The studies abroad are largely centered  on  Coleridge’s  life  experience,  poetic  imagination,  religious,  political  and philosophical view, his view of nature, and his literary aesthetics. Coleridge’s life experience is the base of further study on his thought. Allan Grant in A Preface to Coleridge (1972) gives an account of Coleridge’s journey to a poet and a thinker  by  describing  the  men  he  has  met  and  the  place  he  has  visited.  Rosemary Ashton’s  The  Life  of  Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge:  A  Critical  Biography  (1996)  is  a relatively objective biography, substantial in content and spontaneous in writing style. It comments  on  the  fifteen  stages  in  Coleridge’s  life,  full  of  technicality  and  readability. Richard  Holmes  expressively  elucidates  the  early  life,  the  heyday,  and  the  late  years throughout  Coleridge’s  career,  including  Coleridge  (1982)、Coleridge:  Early  Visions (1989)  and  Coleridge:  Darker  Reflections  (1998).  The  author  displays  an  insightful investigation, with delicate and exquisite smoothness, into Coleridge’s thought and the social  environment  and  status  in  which  his  works  come  into  being.  Seamus  Perry publishes Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 2003 as one of The British Library Writers’ Lives. It gives a brief introduction of Coleridge’s life experience from stem to stern. 
1.2 Studies on S. T. Coleridge and Christabel in China  
In general, the studies on Coleridge in China start relatively later than in the West; however, it has drawn more and more attention in recent years, and enhanced the studies from  a  variety  of  perspectives,  namely,  studies  on  Coleridge’s  poetic  imagination, religious and philosophical view, literary aesthetics and his view of nature. A  host  of  scholars  establish  a  platform  for  the  studies  on  Coleridge’s  poetic imagination.  Wang  Zuoliang,  in  The  History  of  Romantic  Poetry  (1991),  mainly introduces Coleridge’s imagination and details the practice of it. He puts forward that it is a dilemma for Coleridge to depend everything on imagination, and to base poetry on inspiration and genius. While in his another book The History of English Poetry (1997), he  refreshes  his  opinion  and  begins  to  appreciate  the  imagination,  regarding  it  as  the peak of a poet that none other than geniuses like Shakespeare and Milton can reach in Literary  circle.  Lei  Tipei,  in  Introduction  to  Western  Literature  Theories,  awards Coleridge’s imagination as the most “Romantic disposition” and the “extraordinary and abundant”  (Lei,  2003:  126)  one,  and  emphasizes  that  the  power  of  imagination  is considered as the highest qualification for a poet and the soul of the poetry. Coleridge’s poetry  is  suffused &nbs