

日期:2018年05月09日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2278
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512261027075115 论文字数:32569 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
Vague language is an important phenomenon in the family of language. Vagueness,which is one of the intrinsic features of natural language, appears in almost every aspect oflanguage use. More and more speakers tend to use vague language to avoid embarrassment incommunication, for example, to save their face or other people’s face. In recent years, hedges,which are an important member of vague language family, have aroused a lot of interest andattention of linguists at home and abroad. Scholars focus their researches of hedges mainlyon the definition and classifications of hedges. Many linguists at home and abroad devotethemselves to the study of hedging phenomenon and have summarized their owninterpretation of hedges in real use from different perspectives. The scholars conduct theirresearches from the perspectives of semantics, pragmatics and other angles, and furthermore,some linguists combine the study of hedges with other related subjects.China plays a more and more important role in international relations and communicatesmore and more with other countries in economics, politics, and other fields. As a result, thatleads to more and more diplomatic contact with other countries and the use of diplomaticlanguages attracts more and more attractions. Hedges in diplomatic languages have arousedgreat attention and attraction as they can make diplomatic contact more smooth and polite. Inrecent years, some people in China have been studying hedges in diplomatic language, but thestudy of hedges in Chinese diplomatic language and their English translation is almost blank.That is to say, there are almost no studies of hedges in diplomatic language from theperspective of Chinese-English translation.The author aims to conduct a comparative study of hedges in Chinese diplomaticlanguage in the Two Sessions and their English translations. The research tries to find out howhedges are distributed in Chinese diplomatic language and their English translationsrespectively and what deviations exist in hedges in Chinese diplomatic language and theirEnglish translations in terms of “pragmatic equivalence” theory.

1.2 Purpose and objectives of the research
This thesis tries to conduct a comparative study of hedges in Chinese diplomaticlanguage in the Two Sessions and their English translations. The research tries to find out howhedges are distributed in Chinese diplomatic language and their English translationsrespectively and what deviations exist in hedges in Chinese diplomatic language and theirEnglish translations in terms of “pragmatic equivalence” theory. Furthermore, the result willbe better if some suggestions for improvement in translation are put forward.

1.3 Research questions
The author aims to conduct a comparative study of hedges in Chinese diplomaticlanguage in the Two Sessions and their English translations. In recent years, some people inChina have been studying hedges in diplomatic language, but the study of hedges in Chinesediplomatic language and their English translations is almost blank. That is to say, there arealmost no studies of hedges in diplomatic language from the perspective of Chinese-Englishtranslation.Under that background,the author aims to conduct a research of hedges in Chinesediplomatic language and their English translations from the perspective of translation。Theresearch questions are as follows:1.How are hedges distributed in Chinese diplomatic language and their Englishtranslations respectively?2.What deviations exist in hedges in Chinese and their English translations in terms of“pragmatic equivalence” theory ?

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Hedges
Vague language has many phenomena, among which he