2.2 Diplomatic Language
“Diplomatic language is what diplomats can say, can do and can mean verbally”(Guo,1999:5). On many different kinds of diplomatic occasions, diplomats tend to use diplomaticlanguage. “Let’s put it in another way, different kinds of diplomatic language are related todifferent kinds of occasions, which determines the linguistic characteristics of diplomaticlanguage” (ibid:6).Diplomatic language includes three kinds of meaning. The first sense of meaning is thatit refers to the actual language which is spoken by diplomats in communications orconversations on diplomatic occasions. The second sense of meaning is that it refers to thespecial technical words, phrases and expressions which are used specially on diplomaticoccasions and are of high expertise. These special technical words, phrases and expressionshave transformed into diplomatic parlance during the past hundreds of years. The third senseof meaning is that diplomatic language is used to seem polite and save face of the speakersthemselves and other people. On some diplomatic occasions, a diplomat often has to saysomething sharp to show his or her determination and willingness in order to protect thebenefit of their own country. At this time, diplomats often tend to use diplomatic language todescribe the guarded understates and avoid embarrassment, provocation and impoliteness(ibid:36).
Chapter Three Research Methodology.... 18
3.1 Data collection.... 18
3.2 Research process ....... 18
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ..... 20
4.1 Hedges in Chinese diplomatic language ...... 20
4.2 Hedges in English Translations ...... 22
4.3 A comparison of the hedges in Chinese diplomatic language........ 25
4.4 terms of “pragmatic equivalence” theory ........ 26
4.4.1 Addition of pragm