

日期:2018年09月20日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2545
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411052134443774 论文字数:41568 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论
1.1 Resources of the View视图资源

自从“语法翻译法”、“直接法”、“听说法”相继盛行和现在流行的“交际教学法”以来,第二语言习得发生了巨大的变化,其中一些已被证明是可行的,而另一些则无效。作为这些优秀教学方法的产物,英语习得在中国的英语学习者中无论是在教学上还是在学习上都表现出了巨大的进步。然而,由于某些原因,一大批学生在这场比赛中落后了。这个问题在我见证的整个教育期间都是困扰的。由于初中英语学习年限、学习策略、学习动机等诸多因素的差异,许多学生正在进行艰苦的英语学习。更糟糕的是,一些学生对学习英语失去了信心,这妨碍了其他学科的成绩,也无法促进他们以后的社会表现。希望在教育范围内帮助那些落后的英语学习者,通过总结自我证明有效的英语学习方法,我确实在某种程度上影响了一些同龄人或学生。然而,我的方法的不一致性和缺乏理论支持使得它们难以被广泛接受,更不被提及被采纳。关于神经语言学的一些初步研究,我深深地被这门学科所吸引,它为我自己关于英语学习的假设找到了一些科学依据。正是从这个原因出发,我下定决心要写一篇关于神经语言学的论文,这篇论文旨在提取出几个对英语习得的教学启示。Second language acquisition has undergone great changes ever since the successiveprevalence of "grammar-translation method" "direct method’,"audio-lingual method" andpresent prevailing "communicative language teaching method", with some of them beingproved to be feasible while some others ineffective.As an outcome of these brilliant teaching methods, English acquisition manifests greatimprovement both in teaching and learning among Chinese English learners. However, a greatnumber students lag behind in this competition for some reasons. This problem has hauntedme throughout my education period when I witness considerable number of slow Englishlearning peers, and it grows into an even graver one during my one and a half teaching yearsin a vocational college. Due to differences in English learning starting years, learningstrategies,motivations and many other factors, a lot of students are striving in a painstakingEnglish battle. What's worse, some students have lost confidence in learning, which hinderstheir achievements in other subjects and will by no means be a facilitator to their later socialperformances.From this perspective,I settle my mind on digging out widely applicable Englishteaching approaches and learning strategies,hopefully helping those backward Englishlearners within an education scope. By summing up self-proved-efficient English learningmethods,I do have influenced some peers or students to some extent. However, theinconsistency and lack of theoretical support of my approaches makes them hard to be widelyaccepted,not mention to be adopted. What sheds light on my assumptions is the access ofneurolinguistics during my first year in postgraduate period. On finishing some preliminaryresearches into neurolinguistics, I am deeply fascinated by the subject for finding out somescientific evidence for my own assumptions concerning English learning. It is starting fromthis reason that I set my mind on working out my thesis on neurolinguistics, with an intentionto extract several pedagogical implications on English acquisition.

1.2 Significance of the Study

Traditional language acquisition studies and researches are generally outcomes ofclassroom observation and achievement tests, which result in two dilemmas: first,thesemethods can indeed enhance language learning, but to how large a group and to what extentdo these approaches applicable remains unknown; second, most of the studies are dominatedby grammar acquisition researches, leading to many high-score learners who are barelyequipped with any communicative competence.The theories become more scientific when neurolinguistics emerges. In the 19^ century,two pioneering neurologists, Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke, found through aphasia thatdifferent parts in human brain function different accordingly [Cheng Qilong,1999:41]. Lateron, linguists like Roman Jacobson and Luria adopted these medical findings into humanlanguage studies. Gradually, neurolinguistics comes into public view and is used todemonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of general linguistic theories. At present,widelyadopted neurolinguistic theories are lateralization, mental lexicon, neurobiological appraisalsystem, so on and so forth.After several decades of development, neurolinguistic studies in China have beenstripped off the influence of studies abroad,and the research methods are transmitting from"literature-translation" to empirical studies based on Chinese corpus,aphasia, and le