

日期:2018年09月20日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2545
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411052134443774 论文字数:41568 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
arners.Many theories related to English acquisition have been proved to be effective within aChinese learning atmosphere. However, there still remain several questions to be tackled with.First,present neurolinguistic studies are mainly qualitative in essence,which set theirhypotheses or assumptions directly on clinical results without demonstrateing them in realclassroom settings. In fact, just like other pedagogical implications, neurolinguistic ones alsorequire corresponding classroom experiments to verify their pedagogical values. It is from thisstarting point that this thesis sets proved neurolinguistic theories as its basis and puts theminto practical use in English acquisition.Second, many researchers have already realized that related quantitative studies areinadequate, so they adopt neurolinguistic theories into classroom experiments. However, mostof the studies only focus on one or two language learning facets,like the implications ofneurolinguistics on English listening, or that on oral English learning, barely paying a holisticattention to English acquisition. Consequently,the thesis aims to find an integral role ofneurolinguistics in English vocabulary, and then in English reading,listening and writingacquisition. What's more, during the whole xperimental period, students' performance will bejudged not only on their final score,but on their gradual progress.Third, most neurolinguistic studies focus on English teaching, ignoring that languagelearning plays an evenly important role in English acquisition. In fact,neurolinguistics studiesthe relationship between human brain and language. In this way, this thesis concerns moreabout the performance of individual learners than that of a whole class,and every singleprogress of each student is the final goal of this empirical study.To sum up,this thesis devotes to verifying the feasibility of neurolinguistic theories andfiguring out its teaching and learning implications in real language acquisition setting. Thefocus of this thesis varies from English vocabulary, reading, writing,to listening acquisition.Not only students' scores, but also their classroom performances will be concluded into finalanalysis of this thesis.

Chapter Two Review of Related Literature第二章相关文献综述

2.1 The Origin and Development of Neurolinguistics

It is generally acknowledged that the research on neurolinguistics can be dated back to1861, when French surgeon and neurologist Paul Broca carried out observations andanatomies on an aphasia patient whose frontal lobe was impaired. Afterward, this part in thebrain, lying in the left cerebral hemisphere, was named as “Broca,s area". Through thisfinding, Broca claimed that human speech act was localized in the left cerebral hemisphere ofhuman brain and "Broca's area" was thus believed to be in charge of language processing andspeech production. Thirteen years later,German neurologist Carl Wernicke discoveredsensory speech center through another patient. The "Wernicke's area” was believed to beclosely related to speech comprehension [Shen Tong, 2004: 69-72]. In addition,Wernickeemphasized the importance of incorporation of every part in human brain when dealing withcomplex situations.The research scope widened as many more linguists stepped into the field and endowedlinguistic pedagogical meanings to clinical neu