

日期:2018年01月23日 编辑:ad201209271549445910 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1543
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201709201834228934 论文字数:38956 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
development in English as their strong point. Not only does stratified teaching give students of different levels to learn and an opportunity  for them to show their ability , it also gives different students further room to develop.  Stratified teaching makes the students clearly understand  that they have to continually pa rticipate  and work hard for im provement. Therefore,  it gives them the power of con tinuing  development  in their learn ing  in the future. 

Chapter 2 Literature Review 

2.1 Researches about Stratified Teaching aboard  
Stratified  teaching is acco rding  to the students’  existing  knowledge, ability and potential. It stresses that teaching should differ from student to student. Students tend to be scientifically divided into several groups of different level and receive different teaching. In the  group o f  similar  level, under the teach ers’  proper strategy ,  they can get th e  most interaction  and best developm ent.  The divis ion  is a lways  based on the inte lligence  test scores and students' academic performance.   At the beginning of the 20th century, stratified teaching was introduced into the school teaching.  Since then, stratified classes has be come  one of the m ain  features in school education. Since 1916, the research of the strati fied teaching has also been launched a lot. However, the stratified teaching  education in theoretical research is a controversial topic, which experienced a “saddle type” process of development. (Aiane Heacox: 2002) It  started in  America.  In the early 20thcentury,  the United S tates  faced  the influx of children  of imm igrants.  In order to educ ate  these children of dif ferent  background, education officials think it is necessary to divide them into groups based on their ability and past academic performance. By the 50s, almost all of the primary and high school students in Britain were assigned to the different classes according to ability. But it started to take criticism from all sides, thinking it streng thened the racial inequality , for the students of different  levels don’ t  take equal education,  creating  discrimination  against “low-ability children”, and causing physical and mental suffer to them. And giving special care to “high ability children” is to breed their being too pound. At th e same time, stratified teaching enables students to deepen the gap between each other, easily causing social contradictions, and is a kind of undemocratic teaching organization form. Thus, stratified teaching faced a downturn. (Aiane Heacox: 2002) 

2.2 Researches about Stratified Teaching in China 
The  ideology  of S tratified  teaching  originated  from  the view of “indiv idualized teaching” in ancient China. The everlasting educational principle was proposed long ago by the great educator Confucius in “Analects of Confucius”. (Hua Guodong: 2002) Confucius established a set of classic educational system with individualized teaching. His educational thought,  principle and m ethod  was  an im portant  significance in  Chinese  and f oreign educational history. In the late 80s to early 90s, as quality-oriented education and entrance exam  system  emerged,  “exam-oriented  education”  was required to improve the overall quality of students. The student body is ch anged from facing the key school (class) and prospective  students. Meanwhile, since the n earest  school  system  is im plemented  for primary  and junior