

日期:2018年04月11日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2642
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512111048266451 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study
The new curriculum presents that the overall goal of English course in the basiceducation stage is to cultivate students' comprehensive ability of using language. Theformation of comprehensive language using ability is on the basis of overalldevelopment of students' language skills,language knowledge, emotional attitude,learning strategies, cultural awareness and so on. Among them, the culturalconsciousness is the assurance of using language appropriately.Vocabulary is one of the most lively and vitality factors in language, and canreflect changes of the time and society. It is restricted by culture and reflects vividlythe unique charming and connotation of national culture.For a long time, our English vocabulary teaching has stayed on the surface levelsof pronunciation,spelling, inflection, and the literal meaning of the words. But theteaching of vocabulary meaning only stays on the literal level and the culturalbackground of the words are rarely thought about. Meanwhile, in order to meet theexamination, it takes a large amount of time to explain the functions in the sentences,the rules of word-formation and the grammatical knowledge and structure.In recent years, more and more scholars and English teachers have realized thenecessity of vocabulary teaching integrated with the culture teaching,but the currentresearch in this area is mainly concentrated on the theoretical level. How toeffectively apply the culture teaching in English vocabulary teaching lacks of theeffective and systematic study.

1.2The Purpose of the Study
With the old teaching model,the students feel that the English learning is tooboring and have little interest in it. They gradually lose the enthusiasm in learningEnglish. Although many students remember the literal meaning learned by rote,theydon't know how to use them appropriately. So a few students can use Englishappropriately to express their ideas after learning English.Linguist, Professor J. Schumann indicated that "Second language acquisition isjust one aspect of acculturation and the degree to which a learner acculturates to thetarget language will control the degree to which he acquires the secondlanguage.'XSchuniann, 1978). In general,culture determines language and languagereflects culture. Language is not only the important form but also the carrier ofculture.As a teacher, we should pay more attention to the different cultures and themeans of expression. We should put the English vocabulary teaching into a certaincultural background, emphasis on the comparison between Chinese and English. Wemust try our best to make the students know the cultural differences between thesetwo languages and understand their connotation so that they can exclude theinterference of our own culture and continue to correct their errors and mistakes inunderstanding and using English appropriately. We believe that, in this way,thestudents can grasp the English vocabulary more completely and accurately, and applyit to the actual expression and communication correctly and appropriately. That is ourreal purpose of English teaching.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Vocabulary Teaching and Culture Background Knowledge
There are a lot of opinions about the concept of culture among the linguists- Onthe basis of summing up the opinions above, cultural background knowledge hasbroad sense and narrow sense. The broad sense cultural background knowledgerefers to the sum of material and spiritual wealth created by human in the social andhistorical development process. It includes material culture, system culture a