

日期:2018年05月07日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2024
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512171057317441 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Current Issues in English Reading in Junior High School
The English courses standards promulgated by the State Education Commissiondefine the general goal of the English course in junior high school. It details thelanguage learning requirements such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.Even if the English curriculum standards make requests to raise student’s readingability in junior high school, the current reading situation is not satisfying. Manystudents, who are not good at English or not interested in it, have obstacles whenreading. In the mean time, there exist many problems listed as follows in junior highschool class.“Reading” is not enough in the English class. Here is a normal reading class:teachers give students few minutes to read; then teachers collect new words, teachgrammar and sentences. Teachers put emphasis mainly on grammar, sentences andnew words. Actually, there is only little “reading” in the reading class. Instead, itbecomes a grammar class.Background knowledge is important. Some teachers do not introduce thebackground knowledge of the text, which students may listen with incomprehensionof the article. Moreover, without giving students some culture knowledge, they maynot be able to understand the text thoroughly, which might cause some readingobstacles.Some reading strategies are necessary to cultivate the reading ability. A goodreading ability is not developed quickly and easily. It takes time and energy. Prettymuch none of the teachers like to cultivate students’ reading skills, they prefer doingexercises. This method may be helpful when having examination; however, it is notparticularly useful to cultivate real good reading ability.

1.2 The Importance of English Reading in Junior High School
In china, English reading is one of the major inputs for hundreds and thousandsof students to get some idea of the foreign countries and cultures. When we want tolearn a language, the most effective way is to live in a real language environmentand use it. Since we do not have such language environment, it is essential forstudents to read. Reading has an indeed important role among listening, speaking,reading and writing due to the reason that if students can be good readers, they willbe able to absorb many new vocabularies, cultivate good language senses andachieve great progress in the language learning process. Reading, having suchimportant function, enjoys the largest proportion among the various English tests inchina.From the English courses standards, the descriptions of students’ ideal readingabilities are that: first, students are able to understand the new words according to thecontext and the formation of the word; second, students are able to understand thelogical relationships between sentences in the paragraph; third, students are able tofind out the topic, understand the content, predict the storyline and guess the possibleending of the story; forth, students are able to know some common reading materials,such as poetry, drama and fiction; fifth, students are able to get the usefulinformation through simple reading strategies; sixth, students are able to use somesupplementary tools to read; seventh, students are able to read some extra readingmaterials.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Related Definition
Generally speaking, implicit knowledge refers to personal experiences, orspecial knowledge which exists in human brains. Generally, we can not deliverimplicit knowledge to others through words, procedures or diagrams because it cannot be recognized (Jin ZengLin 1