2.2 On Meta-cognition
The concept of meta-cognition originated from the research on "the memory ofthe memory"by Flavell. Flavell (1979) thought that meta-cognition, on the one hand,refers to the individual knowledge about their own cognitive process, results and anyrelated things, on the other hand, refers to the individual active monitoring of hisown cognitive process, adjustment to the results and the coordination of each process.Later he summed up meta-cognition as the individual consciousness and adjustmentof the state and process of cognition. Meta-cognition is the cognition of subjects totheir psychological state, ability, cognitive strategies and the planning, monitoringand evaluation of cognitive subjects to their own cognitive activities. So it is called "meta-cognition" whose core meaning is the cognition to cognition. Flavell thoughtthat meta-cognition consists of two main components: the meta-cognitive knowledgeand meta-cognitive experience, Meta-cognitive knowledge is about individual ownor another's cognitive activities, process, results and related knowledge.Meta-cognitive experience is the rational and perceptual experience and feelings ofthe cognitive subjects to the cognitive activities. Brown (1987) argued thatmeta-cognition refers to the individual knowledge of thinking and learning activitiesand how to control them. Brown and other scholars divided meta-cognition into twoparts: knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition. Cognitive knowledgerefers to the individual understanding of their own condition and the cognitive object,as well as the awareness of the interactive relationship between themselves and theenvironment; cognitive regulation refers to the regulatory mechanism of theindividual in the process of solving the problem, including planning, monitoring,evaluation, etc. Kluwe (1982) argued that meta-cognition refers to the understandingof cognitive subjects' knowledge to themselves and others,and the control of theirown cognitive system.
Chapter 3 The Experiment.......18
3.1 Research Design.......18
3.2 Experiment Procedures.......22
3.3 Data Collection.......37
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion.......42
4.1 The Teachers' Questionnaire.......42
4.2 The Students' Questionnaires.......43
4.3 The Pre-test and Post-test.......46
4.4 The Interview.......47
Chapter 5 Conclusion.......50
5.1 Main Findings.......50
5.2 Implications.......50