

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2141
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201309292126406763 论文字数:30070 所属栏目:绘画艺术论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis







Dragon of china is a symbol of authority, power, and many other meaning, in the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, has the representative status and significance. Period of feudal society development in our country, the public worship of the dragon symbolization from ideological pursuit to worship, cases and the turn of the Ming and qing dynasties, as the development of Chinese feudal society, is lack of power in the tang dynasty period, but in the manufacturing process, painting, design, and other areas of the art development has quite mature, should be characteristic of the Ming and qing dynasties dragon belongs to traditional Chinese logo design model, for the modern business, the arts visual design has some www.51lunwen.org/hhys/ reference value. And Ming and qing dynasties respectively represent the ethnic majority of Chinese typical (manchu) (han) culture and minority culture, both on the dragon pattern connotation and image design also has certain differences, analysis of the differences of two culture the dragon, also helps to understand what factors influence the national culture background on behalf of the national characteristics, the characteristics of the logo design, can provide certain reference for modern visual design and train of thought.
This paper hope through the systematic analysis, understand Chinese history and the development process of LTD grain culture factors in the development and evolution, emphatically from the Ming and qing dynasties modelling, the connotation of dragon pattern characteristic analysis on the peak of the cultural significance and value in China's feudal society, the analysis of the two dynasties under different notice differences in cognitive differences between ethnic groups and design, and classical Chinese dragon pattern of the aesthetic value and cultural value. Demonstrated during the Ming and qing dynasties of the dragon "top" position, and innovation on the basis of the Ming and qing dynasties dragon, to evaluate the application of modern visual design dragon, and put forward the corresponding Suggestions. 
Key words: The Ming dynasty; The Qing dynasty; Ancient dragon  of china grain; The visual design


前言 1
一、研究目的及意义 1
二、传统龙纹研究概况 2
三、研究对象及概念阐述 3
1.研究对象:视觉设计 3
2.研究参考对象:明清时代龙纹 4
四、论文重点与难点 6
五、创新点 7
六、研究路线与框架 7
第一章 龙纹的发展与变化 9
1.1龙纹 9
1.1.1何为龙 9
1.1.2龙于中华文化中的意义及内涵 10
1.1.3传统龙纹的常见应用领域 12
1.2龙纹的发展历程与类型 13
1.2.1不同历史时期的龙纹变化 13
1.2.2不同类型的龙纹差异 19
1.2.3明清时期龙纹的代表性价值 21
第二章 明清龙纹的特征 25
2.1明清时期龙纹的造型特征 25
2.1.1以黄龙为代表的明清龙纹简介 25
2.1.2明清龙纹的造型特征 25
2.1.3明清龙纹的造型特征后续变化与影响 31
2.2明清龙纹的审美与文化价值 33
2.2.1明清时期龙纹的独特结构与美感 33
2.2.2明清时期龙纹的民族化特征 33
2.2.3明清时期龙纹的抽象化特征 34
2.3明清两代龙纹的典型变化及差异 35
2.3.1满汉两族对“龙”文化的理解差异 35
2.3.2明清两代龙纹变化的基本因素 36
2.4明清时期龙纹的负面特征 38
第三章 现代视觉设计中龙纹价值与建议 40
3.1现代视觉设计中龙纹的价值 40
3.1.1现代视觉设计中龙纹的主要应用领域 40
3.1.2龙纹有凸显民族文化特征的意义 40
3.1.3龙纹本身的独特美感与内涵有助于提升产品视觉效果 41
3.1.4明清龙纹的应用可以从侧面推动民族间文化交流与互动 42
3.2龙纹视觉设计中的应用问题 45
3.2.1以明清龙纹为基础的微小改变缺乏新意 45
3.2.2注重“形”的设计缺乏内涵表达和人文价值 46
3.2.3过分的异化设计削弱了龙纹本身的独特价值 47
3.3对现代视觉设计中明清龙纹应用的建议 48
3.3.1合理利用明清时期龙纹的“图腾”精神 48
3.3.2依托于产品进行龙纹的联想性设计 50
3.3.3控制异化(现代化)龙纹设计的变化底限 52