本文是一篇管理论文研究,本文主要研究成果如下:(1) 根据解释水平理论(CLT)分析现有的 LBA 模型,并提出解决零售商有效店内广告的主要因素。我们的研究表明了 CLT 对于理解店内移动广告(LBA)的有效性。理解在 CLT 概念下心理距离如何影响消费者行为,是评估影响消费者购买意愿的零售商店中的移动广告的重要内容。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Over the last decade, internet technologies have moved out of the home and into our pockets, purses, hands and onto our bedsides. Smartphones have become a vital part of our lives, a personal assistant helping us as customers mastering everyday tasks (Schrage et al., 2019). Mobile devices are a constant companion to consumers, and they are playing an increasingly intimate role in a consumer’s everyday life. According to Forbes Insights (2016), by 2018 more than 2.5 billion people worldwide will own and use a mobile device. Mobile devices are highly individualized and important personal communication tools (Bacile et al., 2014), and most users keep them within arm's reach throughout the day, as well as nearby while they sleep. They have truly enabled consumers' ubiquitous access to digital information, anytime and anywhere, which also means that mobile devices allow marketers to reach consumers more directly and constantly. Because consumers use their smartphones to conduct a host of activities, beyond just talking or texting, advertisers also have new opportunities for targeting their communications (Grewal et al. 2016).
Advertising has played a major role in business to consumer marketing, and enabled sellers to meet communication and other marketing objectives (Karlsson L., 2007). In the current world of commerce, advertising is a significant way that sellers could take to increase their market and popularize their products. Mobile advertising is a booming business. (eMarketer, 2019a) provide a report features of latest forecast for ad spending in China. They forecast that, it has grown to more than $65 billion as of 2018, and projections suggest that it will rise even further, to more than $134 billion by 2023. In 2019, digital ad spending will grow 22.0% to $79.82 billion, which is 69.5% of total media ad spending.
1.2 Research Purpose and Scientific Contribution
1.2.1 Research Purpose and Significances
At the beginning, this work describes the present status of development of mobile advertising and analyzes the existing problems of mobile advertising. As a result, this work focus on three main influence factors of LBA: Context, content and consumer. That is context marketing, content marketing and one-to-one marketing, which offers companies specific rules and advice in putting LBA into practice. Furthermore, based on analysis of context, content and consumer, I will determine the main factors from LBA out-door which can effect on LBA in-store.
On basis of analysis of the factors of LBA with in-store in the sight of CLT Psychological distance, we construct the modified LBA in-store model which will take into account the temporal distance, variety of receivers and type of information. The modified LBA in-store model, aims to making the theory of LBA more systematic and helping marketers take specific measures to boost the effect of LBA with in-store.
1.2.2 Scientific and Theoretical Contributions
Based on analyzing of present status of mobile advertising and its existing problems, I drawn a theoretical framework for proposed LBA in-store mobile model which aim to making the theory of LBA more systematic and helping marketers take specific measures to boost the eff