

日期:2020年12月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1375
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202012142006135793 论文字数:41255 所属栏目:管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ect of LBA. The main three influence factors of LBA are summarized  as:  Context,  content  and  consumer.  In  other  side,  I  show  that  how psychological  distance  affects  individuals’  behavior  especially  in  the  context  of mobile technology in sight of CLT theory.  

Figure 1-1: Research methods of thesis


Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Relative theories

The amount of literature on mobile advertising has been accumulating over the past  years.  However,  the  functional  practice  of  mobile  advertising  based  on  a consumer’s location is still in an early stage. Marketing executives are basing their decision mostly on anecdotal case studies (Persaud & Azhar, 2012; Str?m et al., 2014).  

At the beginning the present status of development of mobile advertising have been discussed. Then, the existing problems of mobile advertising have been analyzed. The  widespread  adoption  and  use  of  mobile  devices  present  marketers  with  new opportunities  to  reach  and  serve  consumers.   A  fairly  new  developed  advertising method is LBA, in which consumers are served with advertisements based on their location.  According  analysis  of  the  previous  work,  we  summarized  three  main influence factors of LBA: Context, content and consumer as follows (Chen et al., 2019).
Recently, retailers are increasing their  attention to mobile in-store advertising based on Location Based Services (LBS), the effect of the mobile promotion’ location, personalization and content as well as their interplay on customer’s actual choice was investigated of in-store mobile advertising (Schrage et al., 2019). CLT represents a framework for explaining how psychological distance affects individuals’ behavior especially  in  the  context  of  mobile  technology  (Katz  &  Byrne,  2013;  Trope  &Liberman,  2010).   Psychological  distance  refers  to  one  owns  perception  of  how distant an object is from the self. It can occur in four dimensions, namely: temporal, spatial, social and hypothetical distance. However, the most previous work focus on studying  spatial  distance  from  psychological  dimensions  and  ignore  others dimensions, when discuss LBA in-store mobile advertising.  


2.2 Hypotheses and Research Model

Motivated by the LBA in sight of CLT, which insists that to provide a theoretical framework for mobile in-store advertising for retailers. We constructed the LBA in-store model with the hypotheses for every conceptual path.  The proposed model aims to evaluate the impact of mobile location based advertising in retail stores on consumers' intention to purchase. Our intuition, grounded on the main effect and interaction effect of temporal time, type of information and variety of receivers on purchase  intention  in-store.  Furthermore,  the  mobile  coupon  is  considered  as moderate  variable  for  our  study.  The  following  subsections  give  detailed descriptions on how these hypotheses and the constructs’ path relationships were derived.

Figure 2-1 LBA in-store model


Chapter 3 Methodology ................................... 28

3.1 Research Design ............................... 28

3.2 Procedure ............................... 29

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ...................... 36

4.1 Results ................................ 36

4.1.1 Direct influence of temporal time, type of information and v