International exchange means for international payments arising from the foreign exchange rate, foreign exchange market, foreign exchange control and other arrangements and activities. Foreign exchange generally refers to as the means of payment, the international circulation means and means of purchase of foreign currency and foreign currency payment voucher. Gold and silver as currency, as international payment is a major means of precious metal. Bill appears, as the credit tool can also be used to handle the international payment. Exchange rate is a national currency to another currency prices. International Finance
Implementation of the gold standard, monetary exchange rate fluctuations, in a relatively stable state. From 1929 to 1933, after the economic crisis, the gold standard collapse completely, from the beginning of the paper money system cannot be exchanged for gold due to long-term inflation, devaluation of the exchange rate currency, unstable state is becoming serious day by day second after the Second World War, the major capitalist countries established the U.S. dollar as the center of the Bretton Woods system of the dollar and gold hooks International Finance
, currencies pegged to the dollar, it is in order to set the national currencies of the fixed exchange rate. The fixed exchange rate system on the development of postwar world economy played a certain positive role. In 1973, the U.S. dollar as the center of the fixed exchange rate system completely disintegrated, countries around the world have a floating exchange rate system. Thereafter, because there is no longer a fixed exchange rate system constraints, frequent exchange rate fluctuations, amplitude is larger, national foreign trade influence. Therefore, all the countries of the world to its exchange rate dynamic exercise some degree of control or intervention.International Finance
Foreign exchange control is a country to maintain its economic interests and improving the balance of payments, for domestic and foreign international exchange, international settlement restrictions and management. Contemporary almost all countries have different degrees of exercise is beneficial to the foreign exchange system, just the way, method and specific content is different. International Finance Editor this paragraph international settlement
International settlement refers to the international allocation for monetary payments, to settle in different countries, between two parties to the transaction activities. It mainly includes the mode of payment, payment and settlement methods. International Finance
International settlement mainly have remittance credit and collection mode. According to the import and export business operations, remittances and foreign remittance and outward remittance; credit and divides the export credit and import letter of credit; the collection and export collection and import collection. Export collection ( Export Collection ): the bank entrusted to exporters, exporters to submit claims certificates and commercial instruments, through its foreign agency or overseas branches to receiving payment from importers to achieve the transfer of funds business. Export collection with payment by D / P (D / P) and documents against acceptance ( D / A ) International Finance
two forms. Import collection ( Inward Collection ): the bank to accept foreign agent or the Commission, in accordance with the agent or the instructions to the importer for import payments, and importers to deliver the commercial documents. Import collection can be divided into documents against payment ( D / P ) International Finance
and documents against acceptance ( D / A ) in t