
爱尔兰金融:Ireland, Irish or financial need to to the eu/IMF for help

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1183
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201201171347314596 论文字数:654 所属栏目:国际金融论文
论文地区:爱尔兰 论文语种:English 论文用途:文献翻译 Literature Translation

爱尔兰金融:爱尔兰或需再向欧盟/IMF寻求救助Ireland, Irish or financial need to to the eu/IMF for help

[global JinShi spot gold; increase of about 1%, by China's GDP data better than expected to boost (Australia) and New Zealand yuan currency markets a dollar to two months high, released by China's positive data "enterprise attraction"--January 17 financial activity reports the more market news Reuters Dublin/Athens May 29 dec- -the Irish minister of transportation Leo Varadkar said on Sunday, Ireland to the European Union or need to the international monetary fund (IMF) apply for loan again, because the country's next year to smooth recovery could bond market financing.

Leo Varadkar to British Sunday times said, as investors to yield (yield) severe request, he will be able to Ireland in the bond market to raise funds are skeptical. Varadkar was the first public suggested that this question cabinet members.


Varadkar says, "I think that next year we may not be able to return to a bond market. I want to still need to wait for a long time... 2013 years may be done, but who knows?"


"This means that need to (to the eu/IMF) for the second round of assistance loans," he says, "or extend existing relief plan, or the implementation of the second round of plan. I think it is a majority view."


Ireland Eamon Gilmore deputy prime minister on RTE radio, said the Greek debt problems or produce a domino effect worries some excessive. Greek debt default to the possibility of Ireland, Portugal and Spain's bonds yield soaring.


"Is not to say that Greece default, immediately involvement in Ireland," Gilmore says.


Gilmore says, "if Greece default and more widely the euro zone will be affected, obviously we are part of it."


"Will Ireland and Greece as one kind is wrong."

〔全球金市〕现货金上涨约1%,受中国GDP数据好於预期提振 〔澳新汇市〕澳元和新西兰元兑美元升至两个月高位,因中国公布正面数据 《企业看点》--1月17日财务活动报导摘要 更多市场新闻   路透都柏林/雅典5月29日电---爱尔兰交通部长Leo Varadkar周日称,爱尔兰或需向欧盟和国际货币基金组织(IMF)再次申请贷款,因该国明年恐难以顺利恢复债市融资.

Leo Varadkar对英国星期日泰晤士报表示,由于投资者对收益率(殖利率)的严苛要求,他对爱尔兰是否有能力在债券市场筹得资金表示怀疑.Varadkar是首位公开提出这种质疑的内阁成员.



爱尔兰副总理Eamon Gilmore对电台RTE表示,有关希腊债务问题或产生多米诺效应的忧虑有些过度.希腊债务违约的可能性令爱尔兰、葡萄牙和西班牙的公债收益率飙升.


