
What issues do the 'new' media raise for the study of political communication?

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1545
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201204142053414627 论文字数:3568 所属栏目:国际传播论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

论文题目:What issues do the'new'media raise for the study of

political communication
论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
havard 格式参考文献


1.0 Introduction
Since 1940s, new media came into this world along with the society’s development and technology’s advancement. As part of the society, new media also plays great role and influences other areas of the society, such as the economy’s growing, the political communication, and the culture’s communication and so on (Martin, Jon. 2009). This paper focuses on analyzing the issues that is raised by new media to the study of political communication. For finishing this paper, first it will define the new media and then states the influences of new media on the society. The third part would give some theory basement about the political communication, such as its history, main features, channels and factors that would influence it. Part 4 analyzes the relationship between new media and political communication, which is the main part of this paper. After all the above parts’ reasoning, part 5 will summarize the main content. In this paper’s writing process, case approach and qualitative analysis would be the main two methods.  


2.0 New Media’s definition
3.0 New Media’s Influence on the society
3.1 New Media’s Influence on the Economy

3.2 New Media’s Influence on the Political
3.3 New Media’s Influence on the Culture
4.0 Theories of Political Communication
4.1 History of Political communication
4.2 Features of Political communication
4.3   Factors Influences the political communication

4.4 Channels of political communication
5.0 New Media & political communication
5.1 New Media, one channel of political communication
5.2 New Media, one tooling and one challenging to the studying of political communication

6.0 Conclusion
Summing up all the above statement, it is know that new media does play great role in the society’s development process. It has brought so many new issues to the political communication studying and in the future, it would bring out more challenging on this area, especially along with it own develops and advances. As the leader of one country, government must use it very well in the political communication process, otherwise if it is neglected, the loss cannot be estimated in a long time.


7.0 Reference
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