Abstract: The choice to the concept of the environment is of important significance to the study of environmental law and the construct of the system of environmental law. In this article, the author discusses the concept of the environment from the point of view of environmental science,ecology,ethics and law on the basis of the achievements of recently study, and reinterpret and develop the concept of the environment.
1 我国环境法采纳的是环境科学的环境概念
2 “生物的环境”概念无法在人类法律中现实地得到贯彻
3 我国宪法、民法和环境资源法对环境概念的选择
3.1 将某些环境要素作为公民的环境资源开发利用权的客体
4 对《环境保护法》中的环境概念应重新理解
4.1 环境是自然环境和工程环境的总体