
高度超静定斜拉桥的非线性分析研究 Study on nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant cable-stayed bridge

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1561
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw200906261344189946 论文字数:5024 所属栏目:英语论文翻译
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:文献翻译 Literature Translation
1.Abstract A comparison on nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant cable-stayed bridge is performed in the study. The initial shapes including geometry and prestress distribution of the bridge are determined by using a two-loop iteration method, i.e., an equilibrium iteration loop and a shape iteration loop. For the initial shape analysis a linear and a nonlinear computation procedure are set up. In the former all nonlinearities of cable-stayed bridges are disregarded, and the shape iteration is carried out without considering equilibrium. In the latter all nonlinearities of the bridges are taken into consideration and both the equilibrium and the shape iteration are carried out. Based on the convergent initial shapes determined by the different procedures, the natural frequencies and vibration modes are then examined in details. Numerical results show that a convergent initial shape can be found rapidly by the two-loop iteration method, a reasonable initial shape can be determined by using the linear computation procedure, and a lot of computation efforts can thus be saved. There are only small differences in geometry and prestress distribution between the results determined by linear and nonlinear computation procedures. However, for the analysis of natural frequency and vibration modes, significant differences in the fundamental frequencies and vibration modes will occur, and the nonlinearities of the cable-stayed bridge response appear only in the modes determined on basis of the initial shape found by the nonlinear computation. 2. Introduction Rapid progress in the analysis and construction of cable-stayed bridges has been made over the last three decades. The progress is mainly due to developments in the fields of computer technology, high strength steel cables, orthotropic steel decks and construction technology. Since the first modern cable-stayed bridge was built in Sweden in 1955, their popularity has rapidly been increasing all over the world. Because of its aesthetic appeal, economic grounds and ease of erection, the cable-stayed bridge is considered as the most suitable construction type for spans ranging from 200 to about 1000 m. The world’s longest cable-stayed bridge today is the Tatara bridge across the Seto Inland Sea, linking the main islands Honshu and Shikoku in Japan. The Tatara cable-stayed bridge was opened in 1 May, 1999 and has a center span of 890m and a total length of 1480m. A cable-stayed bridge consists of three principal components, namely girders, towers and inclined cable stays. The girder is supported elastically at points along its length by inclined cable stays so that the girder can span a much longer distance without intermediate piers. The dead load and traffic load on the girders are transmitted to the towers by inclined cables. High tensile forces exist in cable-stays which induce high compression forces in towers and part of girders. The sources of nonlinearity in cable-stayed bridges mainly include the cable sag, beam-column and large deflection effects. Since high pretension force exists in inclined cables before live loads are applied, the initial geometry and the prestress of cable-stayed bridges depend on each other. They cannot be specified independently as for conventional steel or reinforced concrete bridges. Therefore the initial shape has to be determined correctly prior to analyzing the bridge. Only based on the correct initial shape a correct deflection and vibration analysis can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to present a comparison on the nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant stiff cable-stayed bridge, in which the initial shape of the bridge will be determined iteratively by using both linear and nonlinear computation procedures. Based on the initial shapes evaluated, the vibration frequencies and modes of the bridge are examined. 3. System equations 4. Nonlinear analysis 5. Estimation of the trial initial cable forces 6. Examples 7. Conclusion