

日期:2024年08月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:毕业论文 点击次数:146
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202408211659056062 论文字数:75255 所属栏目:英语教育论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 The Background and Problems

Emotions are no stranger to the human experience during our formative years inschool.One level of schooling that is fraught with emotions in higher education.Mostuniversity students have experienced the pleasure of feeling excited about a newconcept and the displeasure of feeling frustrated during an exam.Upon reflection,most of us can effortlessly recollect these experiences from our own educational pasts.Along these same lines,the difficulty in English learning,coupled with the growingimportance of the language,imposes a tremendous pressure on students.As aconsequence,many of them have gradually lost interest and confidence in Englishlearning(Chen,2020).As of April 2020,school functions have been affected by theCOVID-19 pandemic and almost 192 countries have experienced national wideclosure of schools,subsequently affecting almost 1.6 billion learners(UNESCO,2020).Given the threat of a further spread of the pandemic[World HealthOrganization(WHO),2022],school closures and learning losses continue to hangover the most vulnerable learners the hardest(Vigouroux et al.,2021),precipitatingstudents’unpleasantness afterwards.As a consequence,negative emotions continue toaccumulate over time in English learning.The achievement emotions especiallynegative ones that the students experience pertinent to achievement activities orachievement outcomes(Pekrun,2006)are exercising an important shaping influenceon academic experience.Achievement situations are one type of setting whereemotions serve an important function.

1.2 Research Purposes and Research Questions

In light of the aforementioned gap existing in the field of inquiring university students’regulation of achievement emotions,more contribution to scholarship on this field issupposed to be made.Accordingly,this study serves the purpose of diving into theprospective relations between university students’habitual approaches to Englishachievement emotion regulation,typical English achievement emotions during thefirst and second years of university studies predicated on mixed method.This researchprobes first-year university students because this is an essential period of adjustmentthat has been intertwined with high levels of attrition from campus(Chang et al.,2008;Jarrell&Lajoie,2017).Habitual emotion regulation denotes how individualstypically or chronically regulate emotion(Gross,2015;John&Eng,2014)and areconsidered to be dispositional psychological processes(Aldao,2013).This study,likewise,aims to obtain detailed knowledge as well as understanding of universitystudents’achievement emotions generation and their initiating of adaptive emotionregulation strategies to serve university students well in English learning and collegelife.

To achieve the research purposes mentioned above,three research questions aredesigned as follows:

(1)What are the features of university students’English achievement emotionsin three situations,that is,English class,self-study,and test-taking respectively?

(2)How do the students regulate their English achievement emotions witheffective strategies in the three situations?

(3)What are the differences in their regulating strategies among the studentswith higher,intermediate,and low scores in the questionnaire of the Englishachievement emotions?


2.1 Achievement Emotions

2.1.1 Definition and Classification of Achievement Emotions

1)The Definition of Achievement Emotions


Achievement emotions are an integral part of human personality,and they areubiquitous across situations.Emotions are also defined as coordinated,multi-component processes of affective,cognitive,motivational,and expressivepsychological systems(Pekrun,2006).In this thesis,achievement emotions can bedescribed as emotional states that are associated with achievement-related activities or