

日期:2024年08月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:毕业论文 点击次数:146
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202408211659056062 论文字数:75255 所属栏目:英语教育论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
outcomes such as success and failure.These emotions can also include the feelingsthat arise from specific academic activities and consequences,which is assessed bythe subject on the basis of some external or internal standard of quality.According toPekrun&Perry(2014),these emotions share the same characteristics as otheremotions.Instances for activity-related achievement emotions are boredom orenjoyment and pride of learning;examples for outcome-related achievement emotionsare shame and frustration about failure or hope/hopelessness for success.Govaertsand Gregoire(2008)have posited that emotions are short and intense subjectivelyexperienced feeling states related to a specific context.While research has shown thatstudents’achievement emotions must be classified domain specifically:Studentsreport different emotions and different levels of emotional intensity in different schoolsubjects(Goetz et al.2006).

2.2 Emotion Regulation Strategies

2.2.1 Definition and Categorization of Emotion Regulation Strategies

1)Definition of Emotion Regulation

As questions are beginning to emerge concerning how emotions can be regulated indifferent settings and the consequences of emotion regulation for student emotion,learning,and achievement(Burić,Sorić,&Penezić,2016;Jacobs&Gross,2014).Empirical studies on this motif have largely spanned two areas of the literature,namely,coping and emotion regulation.Emotion regulation and coping haveremained relatively separate areas of research hitherto(Jarrell&Lajoie,2017).

In this study,emotion regulation(ER hereafter)is a set of regulatory processesthat can be used to change the trajectory of an emotion in order to modify themagnitude,latency,and duration of affective responses(Miranda et al.,2012;Thompson,1994).A core feature of emotion regulation is the activation of a goal toalter the trajectory of positive and negative emotional responses(Gross et al.,2011).Emotion regulation ability is a relevant construct to emotion regulation strategies.Emotion regulation abilities(or potential)refer to the typical or dispositional ways inwhich individuals understand,regard,and respond to their emotional experiences.Although emotion regulation abilities and the use of emotion regulation strategies aredistinguishable processes,they are nonetheless interconnected(Tull&Aldao,2015).While coping is clearly related to emotion regulation,coping is a process used torespond to stressful situations by targeting a range of functions including emotions(Compas et al.,2014).

CHAPTER THREE Theoretical Framework ........................... 23

3.1 Control-Value Theory .......................... 23

3.2 The Process Model of Emotion Regulation ..................................... 25

CHAPTER FOUR Methodology ....................... 29

4.1 Methods ............................. 29

4.2 Research Context and Participants ......................... 30

CHAPTER FIVE University Students’ English Achievement Emotions . 44

5.1 Results of the Quantitative Data ....................... 44

5.2 Results of the Qualitative Data ......................... 51 


6.1 Emotion Regulation Strategies Employed in English Class

Table 6-1 gives a detailed account of descriptive statistics of undergraduates’achievement emotion regulation strategies in English Class,including mean score,standard deviation,minimum and maximum.As is illustrated in Figure 6-1,the meanscores of emotion regulation strategies also display in the form of the bar graph.Experiential avoidance,a strategy conceptualized as functionally inverse toacceptance(Aldao&Nolen-Hoeksema,2012)subordinate to attentional deployment,has the highest mean value and the lowest standard deviation(M=3.65,SD=0.72).Itindicates that those non-English major undergraduates are prone to effortfully diverttheir attention away from particular aspects of the English class or the teachingmaterials to something irrelevant to the instru