Although competing arguments autonomy and accountability of nonprofit management cannot be overlooked, Salamon (as cited in Frumkin & Kim, 2002) has “noted that when nonprofits are left to their own devices they tend to focus less on the needs of the poor because of problems generating income-flows to support the work” (p. 10). While private funding sources are also relied upon by nonprofit organizations, public/ government funding compliments and strengthens the nonprofit sectors other sources of funds and helps to broaden the availability of services. Without the availability of public/government funding for nonprofit organizations, the potential for these organizations to reach new heights in their scale of operations would be impossible (Frumkin & Kim, 2002, p. 10).
Conclusion 结论
The role of public administration in this twenty first century must carefully examine the methods for obtaining funds, whether public or private, as sources of revenue for managing nonprofit organizations. The main objective is to raise money in the most cost effective way, while seeking donors that share the same goals for meeting particular needs or providing necessary resources that are unique to the nonprofit organization. Although most organizations rely on private funding sources, nonprofits should not overlook the opportunities to collaborate with other organizations, or reject the possibility of broadening the scope of the organization and the group it serves, as a result of the access of public/government funding.
Whereas private funding can be used in a more flexible manner with fewer stipulations or strings attached, the availability of public funding at the local, state, and federal levels of government level and the opportunities for growth that these entities have the ability to provide, cannot be overlooked. As Jim Hizer (2014, November 19) stated in his blog concerning the pros and cons of public sector funding, public administration, and economic development, “if they don’t invest it in your organization, they’ll invest it somewhere else” (para. 5).
本篇留学生作业总结到,尽管私人资金可以以更灵活的方式使用,附加的规定或条件更少,但地方、州和联邦政府层面的公共资金的可用性以及这些实体有能力提供的增长机会不容忽视。正如Jim Hizer在他的博客中关于公共部门资金、公共行政和经济发展的利弊所说,“如果他们不投资于你的组织,他们就会投资于其他地方”。