ding environment driven by private donations, dues, and service fees may lead nonprofit organizations to act as profit seekers.” With this thought in mind, it is not difficult to understand how public/government funding has fueled significant increases in the service functions of nonprofits (Jang & Feiock, 2007, p. 177). Furthermore, Frumkin ( as cited in Jang & Feiock, 2007, p. 177) reported that government grants and contracts are responsible for over one-half of the revenue of nonprofit organizations, regardless of their altruistic, political, or religious origin. However, funding responsibility varies by sector, accounting for 66 percent of revenues for health-related nonprofits, 52 percent of revenues of social welfare organizations, and over 65 percent of human service organizations (Boris, de Leon, Roeger, &Nikolova, 2010). In addition to funding obtained from private sources, “some research has argued that the flow of public funds into nonprofit organizations allows nonprofits to expand substantially their operations and to achieve greater levels of operational efficiency and improved effectiveness” (Frumkin & Kim, 2002, p. 8). Furthermore, Gazley (as cited in Jang & Feiock, 2007) collaboration creates other opportunities to serve clients with potential gains from interorganizational cooperation to also include “economic efficiencies, more effective response to shared problems, improvements in the quality of services delivered to clients, the spreading of risks, and increased access to sources” (p. 178). While the benefits of collaboration are collective in nature, there are monetary costs to the individual organizations and their managers as well as the loss of managerial autonomy (Gazley, as cited in Jang & Feoick, 2007, p. 178). Whereas private funding tends to reinforce the individual organizational focus, therefore the benefits of collaboration will not outweigh the costs factor imposed on the notprofit organization (Gazley, as cited in Jang & Feoick, 2007, p. 178).
Public Funding: An Obstacle to Nonprofit Organizations 公共资金:非营利组织的障碍
Although public/government funding is at the center of many nonprofit organizations, several researchers including Frumkin, Rushton and Brooks (as cited in Jang & Feoick, 2007, p. 177) have explored the dependence of these nonprofits on government funding as a subject of debate. Studies conducted by Frumkin and Rushton and Brooks (as cited in Jang & Feoick, 2007) have raised concerns that government funding detracts from the distinctive purposes of nonprofit organizations within the service system therefore “creating inappropriate accountability relationships and results in the loss of professional autonomy” (p. 177). According to Smith and Lipsky (as cited in Brown & Troutt, 2004) an ongoing tension exists in government’s relationship with the nonprofit sector because of the “competition between government’s need to ensure equity and accountability in its spending of tax dollars and the nonprofit’s emphasis on responsiveness and flexibility in meeting clients’ needs (p. 9). Additional research by Smith and Lipsky (as cited in Frumkin & Kim, 2002, p.3) explained that the acceptance of government funding often requires nonprofits to agree to serve clients who are di