
留学生课程作业写作范文:Global Production Organisation in Chains

日期:2023年09月08日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1289
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309081201498155 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士预科课程作业 Master Pre Coursework
tied to the reward system. Experienced coordination groups do not require an appointed leader. The leader may change for every issue at hand, appointed by the group based on who is more capable on the particular issue. Though for most groups, a leader is appointed from central management to dictate the agenda, lead discussion and communicate with external to the group agents about their work. Most of the time, the designated leader comes from the firm’s home country. (Galbraith, 2000).
for the smoother operation of the production network firms establish purchasing policies for their subsidiaries. Two types of purchasing policies exist. Central purchasing and autonomous purchasing. When implementing central purchasing, a single division is responsible for all corporate purchases of components with the goal being the exploitation of economies of scales and the level of quality. (Stonehouse, Campell et.al, 2004). Firms invest in specialized divisions that are responsible not only for quality control of the components but also with management specifications, the transportation to each subsidiary, communication across the network and insurance. (Gereffi, 2015). Subsidiaries are then necessitated to buy from the central division. With autonomous purchasing, subsidiaries are responsible for component acquisition. This might be the result of a government policy tackling global sourcing or a firm policy centered around a specific country. With this type of purchasing policy, subsidiaries must guarantee that the quality standards are met and cost of components and delivery don’t exceed the projected costs. In most cases a mix of these policies is implemented, central purchasing used for standard components and autonomous for specialized parts based on the market of the subsidiary. (Stonehouse, Campell et.al, 2004).
Global production networks consist of doubt and cooperation amongst different actors, ranging from the firm to government institutions and non-governmental actors. Therefore, these networks are not only an arena for firms to compete for market share or value adding activities. They constitute a complicated political economic system, in which firms and markets are built based on the sociopolitical environment. (Levy, 2008). The ramifications of global production networks exist in both developing and developed economies. For developing economies, one issue is the growth of jobs. Most developing countries are agricultural and global production networks shift the balance of jobs to manufacturing or service. These countries cannot fill these positions with indigenous population due to lack of training or education leading global firms to expatriate executives. Some developing countries-such as East Asian countries-who have achieved development in integrating these global production networks and practices, face difficulties in sustaining this development. However, the crux of the problem lies in poverty. Low incomes entail to low level of living which derives from the low productivity average of a country’s entire labor force. This low productivity is a result of different factors. From the supply side, some factors are poor he