
留学生反思性作业写作参考:Skills for Effective Management | Reflection

日期:2022年12月20日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1067
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212200143575478 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
n their communication and tremendous kind of good listening skills as well.
Skills Required For Effective Management 有效管理所需的技能
Thus, there is always a need to have effective, efficient and positive kind of attitude towards management. This use to abet in getting wonderful results in future. Thus, two main types of skills which are required for the sake of an effective management are known to be;
Personal Skills 个人技能
Professional Skills 专业技能
If an individual is able to make the excessive usage of both of these skills, then there might be some end results in the form of positive, progressive and spectacular results as well. There is a need to know how management differs from leadership. Management means to execute task effectively and efficiently and to achieve goals by utilizing all resources available for particular project or goal. However, leadership defines new directions or promotes organization. Leadership defines goals and resources but management utilize all resources to achieve goals set by leadership.
Effective Management Skills 有效的管理技能
For effective and efficient manager it is very important to have skills in three areas: People skills, Commercial insight and task execution. Many Managers seeks or get training how to strengthen in different areas but best managers have all 3 management skills. Task execution means to execute task with proper planning and also monitor performance of the task. In task execution strong focus remains on results and complex tasks are executed through efficient operations and monitoring. Skilled people manager create trust and the exciting intelligence to deal with different people fruitfully. Managers adopt strategic approach and focus on return on investment and profitability. Managers always tried to add more value in their product and utilize all resources according to output.
Example of A Manager’s Effective Three Personal And Professional Skills 经理有效的三种个人和职业技能示例
Let me describe the importance of an effective management and different kinds of skills through the help of an example;
Lets us consider that Mr. XYZ is having three types of personal and professional skills. His personal skills use to include interpersonal skills, communicative and self motivated person. Where as his professional skills use to include leadership, innovative strengths and disturbance handling skills as well. Thus, let me tell you that how these three kinds of skills might be helpful in determining the whole process and achieving success at the end of this process.
Firstly, If there would be any kind of decision making, then through the help of innovative, adaptive, communicative and supportive skills, the manager might be able to handle the whole process. Not only that, but also there would be some positive results would be seen in it.
Secondly, one thing which is necessary to be kept in notice that, if MR. XYZ is able to deliver his professional skills through the help of his personal skills, then there might be some different kinds of impacts being seen during the management processes. Let me list down some of them
Successful process 成功的流程
Easy communication 易于沟通
Proper working 正常工作
Timely completion